Don't Worry, Be Happy

All of this war stuff can make anyone a little anxious. But what if I told you that you owe it to your own health not to worry, and be happy?

I kid you not.

USA Today reports on a study put out today by the American Psychosomatic Society that says simply, happy people live longer than sad people.

It's true. After following 866 adults with heart disease for more than a decade it turns out the happy adults were 20 percent more likely to outlast their equally ill, but dour, counterparts. Some of those happy-go-lucky ones live years longer.

Now it could be that unhappy, isolated people are less inclined to take their medicines or eat healthy. But this much is borne out: Cheerful patients are better patients, less concerned with themselves, more concerned with the world around them.

They smile more, laugh more and joke more.

They know what ails them physically but they won't let it ail them mentally.

I've always said you have two choices in life: Be miserable, or be happy.

There are plenty of reasons to be either. A lot of people call me a Pollyanna for being upbeat.

But I know, in my head, I'm right. And now, in my heart, I know as well.

Watch Neil Cavuto's Common Sense weekdays at 4 p.m. ET on Your World w/Cavuto.