Donkey Wins Colorado Mayoral Election

No elephants need apply. This unincorporated area on Saturday re-elected Paco Bell (search), a donkey, as its mayor, and that wasn't even close. Two of the four candidates didn't show up.

It's all part of the 15th annual Heritage Days in the town between Divide and Lake George on Colorado Highway 24. Residents like to poke fun at the political process, and they do it by electing a donkey as mayor. Paco Bell won re-election against two no shows and a white donkey named Birdie.

"We had one who was colicky, so he couldn't make it, and another one's trailer broke down, so he couldn't come either," said organizer Tracie Bennitt.

Volunteers the Pikes Peak Historical Society (search) stuffed Paco Bell's ballot box with donations — ensuring him a second term.

Dagney Hales, 8, and Sam Easto, 7, fed the mayor wild goldenrod, green stalks with little yellow flowers, and Teller County Sheriff Kevin Dougherty swore in the incumbent.

"This is good and rural," Dougherty said. "We love doing this kind of stuff."