Donald Trump Discusses the Swine Flu

This is a rush transcript from "Your World With Neil Cavuto," April 29, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: All right, well, just sworn and just revving up, Kathleen Sebelius in charge today, but wasn't it Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano yesterday? A power struggle in future days?

Let's ask a guy who knows a little about managing folks, on the phone with us right now, Donald Trump. His new book, "Think Like a Champion."

Donald, always good to have you. Thanks for coming.


CAVUTO: Could there be a little power struggle going on here?

TRUMP: Well, there's always a power struggle when you mention politics or when you mention business, as you know probably better than I.

I mean, you hear so many different — I just hear the governor saying about how he doesn't want stimulus, and everybody else is fighting for it, and, you know, different points of view. But there's always power struggles.

CAVUTO: Now, how do you resolve them?

And, as you, as a manager, how do you police them? This might not even be the case. They might all kumbaya and join around the campfire and get past who does what. But, you know, it can be — it can be messy.

TRUMP: Well, some can't be resolved, and some can. And you get around and you see.

But there are relationships. You look at Israel with various countries over there, I mean, will those problems ever be resolved? A lot of people say they are not resolvable. And, sometimes, they are. So, you have got to get them around a table and really knock heads and see what happens.

CAVUTO: How do you think this whole swine flu is being handled and sort of administratively dealt with here?

TRUMP: Well, I think it's fine.

It is the flu. It is the flu. Now, you know, you hear the swine flu and this and that. But the — the — we have had epidemics. We have had flues. We have had everything for a million years, I mean, since mankind, and we have got the flu. It is going to be handled. It's going to come. It is going to be bad, and maybe it will be worse than the normal flu seasons, and it's going to go away.

I think it's being handled fine. I think that the words are right. But, you know, you are letting people in from countries that have bigger doses of it, and everybody is coming into the country, and the Mexicans are not stopped, and nobody is stopped. And I am not saying they should be stopped.

It is called the flu. Have you had the flu many times, Neil? Probably. I mean, we all have.


CAVUTO: But you, you are a lifelong New Yorker. You remember the last time we dealt with this in a — in a big way, in 1976.

And the rap at the time, as you know, Donald, was that we overreacted, we got too hysterical, and we — we pushed vaccines on people that killed a lot of people, paralyzed a lot of people.

Do we risk doing the same now?

TRUMP: I think you do.

And I think the vaccines can be very dangerous. And, obviously, you know, a lot of people are talking about vaccines with children with respect to autism. And every report comes out, like, you know, that does not happen, but a lot of people feel that the vaccines are what causes autism in children.

CAVUTO: Right.

TRUMP: And, you know, you have a lot of problems.

You know, this is the flu. And it is a bad flu season, perhaps, although it has not even started yet, but it is a bad flu season, perhaps. And maybe it won't be. But I do think we should not be overreacting.

CAVUTO: So, if one of your kids were to say, you know, I'm feeling a little sick, I need to take the day off from school, you're not going to let them?

TRUMP: Well, I would let them, absolutely. If they're not feeling well, I would certainly let them.

CAVUTO: All right.

TRUMP: But I don't think I would inject them with all sorts of vaccines that, really, nobody even right now knows if it works with respect to what they're — what they're looking at right now, Neil.

CAVUTO: Let me ask you about this whole flyover thing in New York the other day. What did you make of that?

TRUMP: Well, it was rather amazing, because the plane — I — I actually saw it from my office. And it was a strange sight, because, you know, this is a big, serious plane.


TRUMP: I believe it's a 747-400. And that is a big sucker.

And to see that flying so close to the buildings, and — it was a rather strange sight.

CAVUTO: Well, what did you think? What did you think?

TRUMP: Well, I was in Midtown, but it was very obvious that this was a little bit different.

And what I do think is this, from a business standpoint. To start the engine costs you probably $25,000. Flying it for a matter of minutes costs you literally hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Now, with what they can do with computers, where they take a picture, a beautiful picture of the plane, and they superimpose it on a beautiful picture of New York, and it costs you about $3, I don't know why...


TRUMP: ... they wouldn't have done that instead.


TRUMP: And nobody could tell the difference. They can't tell the difference.

CAVUTO: Right. Right. This was over $300,000.

While I have got you here, Arlen Specter — and we're going to get into this with Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell in a second — but switching sides, what do you make of that?

TRUMP: Well, Arlen is a great friend of mine for a long time. He's a great, great senator.

He's been — he tends to be a little bit more liberal in terms of the — the Republicans. And he might have had a tough race, and he did not want to see his great legacy go down the tubes by somebody else. And he became a Democrat. And I think, probably, he's going to be very hard to beat now.

CAVUTO: All right.

Listen, Donald, continued success with the book. I like it because I am in it. So...

TRUMP: You are, indeed.

CAVUTO: So, continued success with it.

But, seriously...

TRUMP: Very good. Great being with you.

CAVUTO: Very well.

All right, Donald Trump, "Think Like a Champion." All right.

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