Published January 14, 2015
Don Johnson (search) can breathe easy again.
All the creditors listed on bankruptcy petitions involving the former "Miami Vice" (search) and "Nash Bridges" star have been paid off, Denver attorney Lee Kutner said Tuesday.
Kutner said Johnson's companies should be emerging from bankruptcy soon.
"He has obtained new financing," Kutner said.
Los Angeles-based City National Bank sued Johnson in March, seeking to force an auction of his 17-acre ranch near Aspen to recoup $930,000 it claimed he owed. The ranch was put up for sale for $21 million, but Johnson ended up paying the debt in time.
Other bills paid include Aspen Valley Hospital ($7,345), the Of Grape & Grain liquor store ($377), Aspen's Isberian Rug Co. ($1,228), Planted Earth ($764) in Carbondale and the Aspen law firm of Garfield & Hecht ($2,787).
"He paid his bill and he paid it in full," said Joan Boyles, owner of Carbondale Crystal River Valley Spas, which was owed $4,966.
Johnson's well-documented grocery bill of $5,740 to Clark's Market, which sued him earlier this year and won, has also been paid, according to court papers filed last week in Pitkin County Court.
The grocery tab saga was the stuff of gossip for supermarket tabloids. The Woody Creek Tavern, near Johnson's estate, at one point had a tip jar asking for contributions to bail him out.