Divorce Attorney Extraordinaire Raoul Felder on Britney's 'Brilliant Move'

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," November 8, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Britney Spears and K-Fed kaput. Britney gave her aspiring rapper husband his walking papers via text message. This is supposedly the video of K-Fed getting the news that he was dumped on his BlackBerry. It allegedly happened when Kevin Federline visited MuchMusic in Toronto, a Canadian TV show, gushing about his supportive wife.

You just can't make this stuff up.

Joining us is divorce lawyer Raoul Felder, who has had more celebrity clients than anybody I know.

All right, Raoul...


VAN SUSTEREN: First of all — hello, Raoul. Not particularly romantic — not that divorce is — sending a text message that it's over. But I guess it's a new — new age, right, Raoul?

FELDER: Well — well, yes. But, of course, taste is not her middle name.

I mean, this — this is a girl who was married for 55 hours. And, no, it's not the usual thing to do, even — even today, but not unusual for this kind of person.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you think, Raoul — yesterday, she filed the divorce papers. And you have been there...


VAN SUSTEREN: ... trying to control the media for your celebrity clients. Do you think that was deliberately done on Election Day to sort of bury in sort of the historic stuff going on in the House and the Senate?

FELDER: Oh, yes, Greta, this was a brilliant move.

Don't forget, this happens only once every two years. And I don't think it was her thinking. But her advisers figured it out. The latter half of the day, Election Day, nobody cared about anything, except who was going to be elected. And, boom, she made the announcement. So, it was really brilliant, from a PR standpoint.

VAN SUSTEREN: I don't suppose, though, that the lawyer thought about what was going to happen today, because K-Fed, apparently, today, in — sort of to send his shot across her bow, has now filed something in court today for sole custody of their two children.

So, I guess it's tag, you're it?

FELDER: Well, here — here is the thing.

If they have a very good prenuptial agreement — and one would suppose they do — then, the only battleground left is the kids. And, so, he is taking that ground. And the — that's his offensive. And I suppose the — the game here is to try to get more money or just squeeze something out of the prenuptial. So, it's par for the course.

It's hard to imagine, though, he is serious. I mean, this is a fellow who has a — a sort of a peculiar, say, emotional history, with the drinking, drugs, or whatever. And, of course, she is not mother of the year, with this dangling the kid. But he certainly doesn't stand a chance in a custody case. Nobody seriously would think so, I believe.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are these prenuptials unassailable? I mean, they're pretty solid? They're hard to bust up, if you're the...

FELDER: Well...

VAN SUSTEREN: ... spouse who wants to?

FELDER: ... Greta, here is what happened.

When Donald Trump had a case, and the — she — the wife tried to — Ivana tried to set aside the prenuptial, everybody said, my God, if Donald Trump's prenuptial is no good, then mine, that was prepared by a lawyer around the corner, must be terrible.

But the truth is, Donald Trump's stood up, and prenuptials are alive and well and living in America. People sue, because it's the only lawsuit in the history of the world that you sue and lose, you are back with — for the deal — with the deal you bargained for in the first place. So, they do sue.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Here is a secret, Raoul. Every time I drag my husband to a horrible event...


VAN SUSTEREN: ... and he doesn't want to be there, he comes up behind me — and this is the truth — and he says, do you have Raoul's phone number?

FELDER: See, I ought to give it to him.


VAN SUSTEREN: No, he always teases me about you, Raoul.

Raoul, you have had some pretty wild cases.


VAN SUSTEREN: As always, nice to see you, Raoul.

FELDER: Thank you, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I'm not going to give him your phone number.

FELDER: Oh, any time.


FELDER: Take care. See you.

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