DiCaprio Stars in Get-Out-Vote PSA

Before taking to the skies, Leonardo DiCaprio (search) has rounded up some celebrity friends to weigh in on campaign issues.

DiCaprio, who stars as billionaire Howard Hughes (search) in the upcoming "The Aviator," helped craft a set of public service announcements encouraging young people to vote in the Nov. 2 election.

He appears in the mostly black-and-white spots with six other actors and musicians including Justin Timberlake (search), Ricky Martin and Samuel L. Jackson (search).

DiCaprio speaks about the environment, while Jackson discusses a possible renewed military draft, Timberlake tackles education and Benicio del Toro (search) encourages women to vote.

All seven of the celebrities appear in one 47-second spot. A 30-second PSA has been completed and more are planned, according to "Rock The Vote," which developed the spots with DiCaprio and will distribute them.

The PSAs are set to go up on www.rockthevote.com next week.

"We hope these PSAs help motivate young people to exercise their right to vote in this vital election," said DiCaprio, who has appeared at fund-raisers for Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.

Also appearing in his "If You Care..." campaign are Adam Levine of rock group Maroon 5 and Will.I.Am of hip-hoppers Black Eyed Peas.