'Days' Actress Wows W. Va. Resort

Soap star Deidre Hall (search) held "meet and greet" events for employees and guests of The Greenbrier (search) resort, where she has been vacationing since Sunday.

"I see so much warmth, elegance and hospitality here," said Hall, who plays Dr. Marlena Evans on "Days of Our Lives" (search).

The visit is her second to the four-star hotel in southeast West Virginia.

More than 125 employees, including chambermaids, doormen, accountants and managers, crowded The Greenbrier Theatre on Wednesday to ask Hall about plot lines and other characters.

Rebecca Newell, 23, of Rainelle has seen other celebrities since she began working at the hotel's gift shop, but said, "I've never met anybody so sweet and personable as her."

Hall asked to meet with hotel employees, said Jack G. Damioli, the resort's manager. "She wanted to say thanks to all the employees who have helped in her past and the staff has just gone crazy."

Staff members waited in a long line to hug the actress and take photographs with her. Later that evening, hotel guests had the opportunity to do the same.