Danny Bonaduce on Anti-War Jane Fonda

This is a partial transcript of "The Big Story With John Gibson," January 29, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

JOHN GIBSON, HOST: Hanoi Jane making a comeback. Actress Jane Fonda is back to her old anti-war antics. For the first time in 34 years she spoke out at an anti-war protest in Washington over the weekend. The protest scene looks familiar, but Fonda was even more outspoken about the Vietnam War, dubbed Hanoi Jane after going to North Vietnam in the 70s, she cozied up to the enemy, even took pictures with communist troops. This time around Hanoi Jane has not traveled to visit the enemy behind the lines, which probably means she likes her head attached to her shoulders. But once again she has raised the question, why can't stars just stick to what they know, like movies, like TV and stay out of this stuff. With me now reality TV star Danny Bonaduce, you can hear him on 97.1 FREE FM Radio in Los Angeles. So Danny, let me show a picture then and now. Then was back in the 70s, that's Jane sitting on a — I think it's actually the late 60s.


GIBSON: Let me describe it for you. This is a famous...

BONADUCE: I think I can describe it for you without seeing it. She's sitting on an anti-aircraft gun with the barrel pointing up with I believe three Vietcong next to her and she's looking up with a smile about this big on her face?

GIBSON: And she has a helmet on.

BONADUCE: That's how — I haven't seen that picture in 20 years and I won't forget it because of the indelible mark that made on me.

GIBSON: And now she was speaking out about the Iraq war over the weekend in Washington. Some people put the number in the hundreds of thousands; our best estimate is like 30,000 people showed up. Do you have a problem with this, Jane Fonda reappearing?

BONADUCE: No I don't. In the words of Voltaire, if you will, I may not believe in what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. So I'm with her that she gets to say whatever she wants. Here is where my problem lies, it's probably a little harsh. Any speech Jane Fonda gave after 1972 in my opinion should have been posthumously. It is my true belief and I believe this 100 percent and I will not back up from it, that Jane Fonda gave aid and comfort to the enemy which carries more weight, some low level CIA agent sneaking a couple of files of antiquated weapon systems we don't even use any more or one of America's top stars sitting on a Vietcong's anti-aircraft gun? That's the one that does — she should have been tried for treason and at that time the punishment was to be taken out and shot by firing squad and that’s what I think should have happened to Jane Fonda.

GIBSON: Let's take a trip down memory lane. The Jane Fonda changes through the years Danny. There have been a lot of them. Of course, first up, Barbarella. The Roger Vadim movie, she was young, she was gorgeous, she was a star. Then, you know, comes the sitting on the gun that you just described. A little bit later, she was the aerobics queen. Then, she was a big Democratic political person in California with her then husband Tom Hayden, the state legislature. And the she was Mrs. Ted Turner. And now she is war protesting again. Is it fair to say that she's an actress and she's made her living as an actress or an aerobiciser or whatever and this really isn't her public business?

BONADUCE: Well, anything you want to make public is your public business. But what my problem is and it's not just Jane Fonda, I have a personal distaste for Jane Fonda from my childhood, from that moment in that photograph. So — and I will never forgive her. But take people who I actually like, like Alec Baldwin who said if President Bush is elected the president of the United States, I'll leave the country. Well how can you accuse my president of lying to me if you are lying to me? You didn't go any where Alec, you stayed in New York City and fought with your wife. You want me to help you move, I'll come pack you up.

GIBSON: What do you think it means — you know I seemed to have grown up watching Jane Fonda go through these antics...


GIBSON: And none of it is very surprising, but she was quiet for a long time and suddenly as she said after 34 years, she's out again. How come?

BONADUCE: Well I think in all honesty I think she absolutely believes in what she says and I think there is great confusion over this particular war. My wife's little brother, I refer to him as my brother because I've known him since he was a tiny little child. He is on his second tour in Iraq and he just got hit again. Everybody else in the vehicle is dead, he just has shrapnel down his right side. So I am polarized in my opinion about the war. There are people, radio talk show hosts, those kind of people, it's their job to only have one opinion, they can't tell you about their feelings. They have to go with what pays their bills. I believe Jane Fonda believes in what she was saying and she has a right to say it. Just if I were in charge, she'd be saying it from a prison cell from 1972 on.

GIBSON: Danny Bonaduce, don't forget you can listen to him on 97.1 FREE FM radio in Los Angeles. Danny thanks very much, good to see you.

BONADUCE: Thank you so much. It is always a pleasure.

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