D.C. Mayor Launches Blog Amid Uncertain Future

It paraphrases a "Star Wars" character. It mentions a "prime directive," evoking dozens of "Star Trek" episodes.

The Web site of a science fiction buff? No, it's the blog of Anthony A. Williams (search), the buttoned-down, bow tie-favoring mayor of the District of Columbia.

"It's been a week since my last official entry and I know what you're thinking. 'Isn't this pace a little processional?"' Wednesday's entry begins. "After all, as Yoda would say, 'A weekly paragraph will not an exciting blog make."'

On Wednesday, the mayor promised people will be hearing from him more in the future.

Williams welcomed criticism, but in his "quasi prime directive" wrote that no anonymous outside entries will be accepted and "commonly accepted standards of decency" will be applied.

The mayor repeated Wednesday that he has yet to decide whether to seek a third term next year. He said the blog, along with other recent, high-visibility events, is just indicative of his efforts to improve city services.

In recent weeks, the mayor has hosed graffiti off a building and filmed a cameo in a movie with Michael Douglas (search).