Cremated Man Unexpectedly Tries Skydiving

Barbara Vreeland had an unexpected visitor drop by recently — the cremated remains of a Washington man.

Vreeland was in the kitchen of her Forest Grove, Ore. home when she heard a loud crash from the roof.

It turns out that ashes of a 46-year-old man, who died of natural causes, had fallen out of a small plane and into Vreeland's house.

The deceased man wanted his ashes scattered over Mountain View Memorial Gardens (search), a cemetery near Vreeland's home, Forest Grove police Capt. Aaron Ashbaugh told the Associated Press, Tuesday.

The grieving family members told police the bag of ashes slipped as they were circling the cemetery in a small plane they had hired for the day.

The 4-pound bag crashed through Vreeland's roof and landed in the attic.

"It really rattled our place," said Vreeland. "It wasn't a little bump — it shook the house."

Vreeland's roof is being fixed and the man's family is paying for the damage.

"I understand the man wanted to be with his [deceased] relatives," Vreeland said. "I feel for those people. But I think some of their relative is still in our attic."

President Bush Is the $200 Man

GREENSBURG, Pa. (AP) — State police aren't laughing about the person who allegedly passed some funny money — a $200 bill with President Bush's picture on it — at a women's clothing store.

Police on Wednesday charged Deborah Trautwine, 51, with theft by deception, for allegedly passing a bogus $200 bill at the Fashion Bug store in Hempfield Plaza on Aug. 22. There is no such denomination, even without Bush's picture on it.

Police said they didn't know how the clerk was taken in by the ruse, even though several other things about the bill should have been a dead giveaway.

Among other things, the bill had a hokey serial number — DUBYA4U2001 — and didn't bear the signature of the secretary of the treasury.

Instead, the bill was "signed" by Ronald Reagan whose title was "Political Mentor" and by Bush's father, who is listed as "Campaign Advisor and Mentor."

The back of the bill was even goofier.

It depicted the White House with several signs erected on the lawn, including those reading "We Like Broccoli" and "USA Deserves A Tax Cut."

Trautwine's mother said she wasn't immediately available for comment Wednesday and declined to provide her work telephone number.

Woman in Traffic Jam Gets Parking Ticket

OSLO, Norway (AP) — Renathe Opedal was hopelessly stuck in traffic during rush hour when an overeager attendant slapped her a $73 parking ticket.

Opedal, 32, couldn't believe it, took the case to court and won.

"I'm really glad I won," she said by telephone on Friday. "But it took much too much time and energy. I'm glad it's over."

On March 26, traffic had backed up in the southern town of Kristiansand (search) during rush hour and Opedal's car got stuck in the middle.

According to the ruling by the Kristiansand District Court, the city parking attendant misunderstood the situation and thought Opedal had caused the traffic jam by parking illegally.

The court ruled that the traffic attendant was wrong, annulled the ticket, and ordered the traffic department to pay Opedal $585 in costs.

"Parking companies do some pretty strange things sometimes," said Opedal. "They should have ... come to their senses. Instead, we had to go to court."

Kristiansand is on Norway's southern tip, about 175 miles south of Oslo.

Driver Forgets Guns, Drugs on Roof of Car

SHAWNEE, Okla. (AP) — Policeman Jon Arnetts was just doing a good turn when he pulled over a car to alert the driver there was a black bag on top of the vehicle. Then he found out what was in the bag.

It contained a handgun, baggies with a small amount of white crystal methamphetamine and marijuana, a smoking pipe and several pills.

The two people in the car were arrested on drug charges, and one will also face a weapons charge.

After the vehicle was impounded, police also found a large hunting knife, a butterfly knife and digital scales.

Turkish Man Squirts Milk From Eye 9.2 Feet

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — Ilker Yilmaz might just hold one of the world's most bizarre world records.

The Turkish construction worker on Wednesday poured milk into his hand, loudly snorted it up his nose and squirted it 9.2 feet out of his left eye in what he hopes will be recognized as a new world record.

"I'm happy and proud that I can get Turkey in the record book even if it's for milk squirting," said the 28-year-old. He says he is among only a handful of people around the world who can perform the feat because of an anomaly in his tear gland.

The Web site for Guinness World Records says Mike Moraal of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, set the existing record of 8.745 feet in France in 2001.

In an e-mail, Guinness World Records said it had no official representative present to witness Yilmaz's feat and was waiting for documents from organizers of Wednesday's event to prove the record.

"It is really good to hear that provisionally a new record may have been set," Sam Knights, a Guinness representative, said in an e-mail. "We welcome new record breakers and look forward to receiving the evidence ... and then we can verify this new record attempt."

Yilmaz said he has known for years that he could squirt liquids out of his eye, but only three years ago found out that there was a record for squirting milk.

"I learned by chance that I had such a talent. When I was swimming with friends, I noticed water squirting out of my eye," he said. "When I saw [a previous Guinness attempt] on TV, I thought, maybe, I could do that too."

Mahir Kendusim, an Istanbul-based eye doctor, said a cavity links the lower eyelid to the nasal cavity, but added that he has never heard of anyone who was able to carry out a feat such as Yilmaz's.

Two years ago, Yilmaz said he broke an earlier record, but Guinness did not recognize it because the witnesses present did not fulfill its guidelines.

On Wednesday, an imam, or Muslim prayer leader, was among witnesses watching as Yilmaz sucked in the milk, held back his left eyelid with his finger and squirted away. Yilmaz succeeded on his third attempt. The record attempt was sponsored by Kay Sut, a Turkish milk company.

Looking for Car Thief With Rubber Nose, Rainbow Wig

ALTOONA, Iowa (AP) — A clown car that was stolen nearly two months ago has been partially returned to its owner.

Delmer Jefferson, of Des Moines, had his miniature, flame-emblazoned tow truck stolen from a parking lot at the Za-Ga-Zig Shrine (search) in Altoona.

The clown of 34 years spent $2,500 to craft the tow truck, complete with flashing lights and sirens. A friend came across what was left of it this week and returned it to Jefferson.

"I didn't recognize it," Jefferson said. "The seat is still there, but that's about it."

Jefferson made the tow truck from a riding lawn mower and drove it in community parades.

"I'm going to rebuild it," he said.

The investigation into the theft was continuing, police said.

Compiled by's Marla Lehner.

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