Crash Test Dummies

MSNBC says President Obama's proposal to raise mileage standards and curb emissions is enjoying support from "an uncommon alliance of auto executives, union leaders and environmental activists" — which, to me, makes as much sense as spoilers on a Yugo.

Of course, the auto execs are behind it, because the government is paying them to be behind it. For union leaders and environmentalists, it just means a preservation of power and an increase in influence.

The only people missing from this equation? The rest of America. They will pay with their wallets and their lives.

Apparently, Obama's proposals will add about $1,300 in costs to every car. How that helps an industry during a bottomless recession is beyond me.

Worse, the National Academy of Sciences has linked mileage standards to 2,000 deaths per year. According to Steve Milloy, the author of "Green Hell," every 100 pound reduction in the weight of small cars causes traffic deaths to jump as much as 715 per year. And last month, crash tests found that drivers of the newer, so-called "smart cars" — basically sardine cans without the nutrition — could suffer serious injuries in front-end crashes with larger, midsize vehicles.

So, wait a second. Who in God's name would be criminal enough to be driving those larger, midsized vehicles? Well, besides evil parents who want to protect their kids, try Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Yep, our fearless leaders have the luxury of bullet-proof and tank-proof transportation for themselves and their offspring.

So, if they hit us: They live, we die. Unless, of course, we buy the cars we want to buy — which can only mean an inevitable, punitive tax against evil people like us.

Fact is, no one wants collapsible sippy cup cars, so the only way to get us into deadlier cars is to tax us out of safe ones.

Red asphalt is often paved with good intentions.

And if you disagree with me, then you sir are worse than Hitler.

Greg Gutfeld hosts "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld" weekdays at 3 a.m. ET. Send your comments to: