Cops Search Duke Lacrosse Suspects' Dorm Rooms

Police searched the dorm rooms of two Duke University lacrosse players arrested in connection with the alleged rape and assault of a stripper, but defense lawyers argue they have evidence that gives their clients alibis for the time of the reported attack.

Sources also told FOX News that in addition to the DNA tests completed on 46 of the 47 members of the men's team — which didn't directly tie any of the players to the alleged rape — more DNA tests are being done on hair samples; some lacrosse players were forced to turn over head and pubic hair. Sources said more information on these tests could be released as early as Wednesday but could come later in the week.

District Attorney Mike Nifong has said he hopes to link a third man to the alleged attack soon, but he said that person had not been "identified with certainty."

"It is important that we not only bring the assailants to justice, but also that we lift the cloud of suspicion from those team members who were not involved in the assault," Nifong said in a statement.

The accuser, a 27-year-old black student at a nearby college, told police she was attacked by three white men at a house where she and another woman were hired to dance at a party of lacrosse team members the night of March 13.

Two team members — Reade Seligmann, a sophomore from Essex Fells, N.J., and Collin Finnerty, a sophomore from Garden City, N.Y. — were arrested early Tuesday. Each posted $400,000 bond and was released within hours.

Click here to read the indictments (pdf).

Nifong has declined to say what led to the charges or discuss evidence in the case. The dorm rooms were searched Tuesday night for about two hours, according to resident assistant Taggart White.

The warrants had not been returned to the court clerk's or magistrate's office by midday Wednesday.

"I can imagine they never quit investigating, but I think it's unusual to be executing search warrants after they've indicted," Finnerty's attorney, Bill Cotter, said Wednesday. He said his client had left Durham.

Defense lawyers assailed the district attorney for bringing the charges after DNA tests had failed to connect any of the team members to the alleged rape.

Seligmann is "absolutely innocent," said attorney Kirk Osborn. Cotter said, "We're confident that these young men will be found to be innocent."

Robert Ekstrand, who represents dozens of players on the team, said neither Seligmann nor Finnerty was at the party "at the relevant time." The indictment represents "a horrible circumstance and a product of a rush to judgment," he said.

"This is a terrible thing for this [Finnerty] family, they're a very close family, they're a good family and it's a horrifying experience that their child has to go through this process," Finnerty told FOX News.

Defense attorneys also say they have time-stamped photos from the party, bank records, cell- phone calls and a taxi driver's statement to support Seligmann's claim of innocence. They say documentation shows Seligmann called a cab at 12:19 a.m. on March 14, then surveillance video from 12:24 a.m. show him making an ATM withdrawal.

Defense attorneys have also alleged that the accuser was intoxicated and injured when she showed up for the party. A police recording of a dispatch call after the accuser says the attack occurred relays a police officer reporting that the woman was "just passed out drunk" in someone else's car.

Cotter told FOX News that he's not concerned any further DNA tests will implicate his client, Finnerty.

"Those tests, I think, have been conducted and I think we're waiting for that report ... any day now," he said, adding that those tests results could come in two minutes or two days.

A cousin of the accuser who has been acting as a spokeswoman for her family disputed that allegations in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America" Wednesday. She identified herself only by her first name, Jackie, to protect the woman's identity.

"Before she went to the party she was not intoxicated, she was not drinking," Jackie said. "There's a great possibility that when she went to the party, she was given a drink and it was drugged."

The case has raised racial tensions and heightened the long-standing town-vs.-gown antagonism between Duke students and middle-class, racially mixed Durham. The accuser is black, and all but one of the 47 lacrosse team members are white.

Duke would not comment specifically on any disciplinary action taken against Seligmann and Finnerty, but said it is university practice to suspend students charged with a felony.

"Many lives have been touched by this case," Duke President Richard Brodhead said in a statement. "It has brought pain and suffering to all involved, and it deeply challenges our ability to balance judgment with compassion."

T-shirts were being handed out on the Duke campus that read: "Innocent until proven guilty."

Friends of the arrested players said that even though opinion was split on whether any of the lacrosse players did in fact rape anyone, the recent charges against Seligmann and Finnerty have solidifed the campus community in support of the two accused students.

The district attorney's actions have "made us have a certain lack of faith in the system," Nona Farahnik, a friend of the lacrosse players, told FOX News, adding that Nifong contributed to the media storm pointing the finger at the team without concrete evidence. "It's hard for us to have this sytem fall apart," she added.

Sylvie Charles, another friend of the arrested students who is close with Seligmann's girlfriend, said Seligmann has been handling the situation well "since he knows he hasn't done anything wrong."

"Of course I believe racism is completely unacceptable but I don't think any form of categorization or labels is OK and it hurts me to see these two boys labeled as 'rich lacrosse players' and therefore, they've been labeled as awful people and that's not right," added Charles.

Since the scandal broke, the university has canceled the team's season, its coach resigned and Duke officials said they were investigating the behavior of the nationally ranked team, some of whose members have been found guilty of public intoxication and public urination.

Neither Seligmann and Finnerty was among the team members arrested in recent years for such offenses as underage drinking and public urination.

Finnerty, however, was charged in Washington, D.C., with assault after a man told police in November that Finnerty and two friends punched him and called him "gay and other derogatory names." Finnerty agreed to community service.

Both Seligmann and Finnerty are products of wealthy New York City suburbs and all-male Roman Catholic prep schools. Finnerty attended Long Island's Chaminade High School, where 99 percent of the students go on to college. Seligmann went to the exclusive Delbarton School, a lacrosse powerhouse in Morristown, N.J.

"It is our hope and our conviction that the full truth of all that happened that night will vindicate Reade of these charges," Delbarton's headmaster, the Rev. Luke L. Travers, said in a statement.

FOX News' Marianne Silber and The Associated Press contributed to this report.