
Chandra Levy viewed Rep. Gary Condit's House committee Web sites on her laptop computer on the day she disappeared, investigators have told Fox News.

Computer records also indicate that the missing intern looked up a map of Klingle Mansion in Washington's Rock Creek Park, about two miles from her apartment building, one day after she was last seen.

Levy was online from about 9:30 a.m. to about 1 p.m. May 1, and also looked up travel Web sites and sent e-mails to friends and her parents.

According to a partial list released by D.C. police on Wednesday evening, Levy visited the Web sites of several newspapers, including The Washington Post, Times, The Modesto Bee, and the Los Angeles Times. The list also included restaurant sites, travel sites and the House Agriculture Committee site. Police sources say that Levy may have also looked at other House committee sites as well.

Police Chief Charles Ramsey told Fox News that by releasing the site names, investigators hope someone will come forward who has valuable information.

Police resumed their search for clues at noon Wednesday after temporarily calling it off because of bad morning weather in the Washington, D.C., area.

Late Tuesday, they found what appeared to be bones near the entrance of Rock Creek Park. However, despite a massive law enforcement turnout — including Secret Service agents, police officers and a crime scene van — police told Fox News it was an animal bone that was found on Park Road on a dirt path.

Investigators expanded their search for the missing intern to include parks and recreation areas farther away from the 24-year-old's apartment.

Meanwhile, in Levy's hometown of Modesto, Calif., several dozen people held a lunchtime demonstration outside Condit's office, calling for the Democratic congressman's resignation.

"Too little, too late, your lies have sealed your fate," the group chanted.

Condit, whose district includes Modesto, acknowledged to investigators that he was having an affair with the missing intern, a police source has said.

Condit had a congressional demeanor during an Agricultural Committee hearing Tuesday, inquiring about government money used to promote agriculture abroad and chatting and laughing with other committee members.

An aide acknowledged the congressman has been using other offices in the Capitol complex to avoid cameras. The aide also said police searched the interior of another aide's car to see whether Levy had been inside it.

Condit, who has no car in Washington, sometimes borrows staffers' cars or calls on aides to drive him.

At about 10 a.m. Tuesday, searchers found a pair of blue tennis shoes and a box cutter along the Piney Branch Parkway in Rock Creek Park. Ramsey said Wednesday it appears they are men's sneakers.

A District of Columbia police spokesman said Monday that about 50 police recruits would search the Piney Branch Parkway, as well as Fort Dupont Park in the Southeast section of the city, far from Levy's Dupont Circle neighborhood in Northwest.

During an earlier search of Rock Creek Park on Monday, police found about 25 bones, which they said probably belonged to animals. The bones were taken to the medical examiner's office for analysis.

Police estimate the search of area parks to continue for the next two weeks. Because of the high costs involved, however, there will no more excavation of landfills for clues in the Levy case.

Police apparently responded at 4:30 a.m. May 1 to a 911 call reporting a woman screaming in Levy's building, but found nothing amiss. There were no signs of foul play in Levy's apartment after she went missing.

Levy's family believes that because her wallet, credit cards and identification were left behind, she must have left her apartment on May 1 with someone she knew, her parents' lawyer said Sunday.

Condit, 53 and married, is not a suspect in Levy's disappearance, police have said. He has kept a public silence, and only acknowledged the romantic relationship in his third interview with police on July 6, the source said.

Ramsey said investigators have not ruled out the possibility that Levy may have left her apartment without ID for other reasons, for example, to make a quick trip to a nearby store with only the money in her pocket.

Police have four theories: she left of her own accord, committed suicide, has amnesia or is the victim of foul play.

Police say the suicide theory becomes more unlikely with each passing day because a body has not been found. Last week, police released computer-generated pictures of Levy showing how she might look if she changed her hairstyle.

Levy was last seen when she canceled her membership at a health club. She was making preparations to return home to attend her graduation ceremony at the University of Southern California.

Under pressure from the Levy family, Condit took a polygraph test last week at the direction of his lawyer, Abbe Lowell, and without police investigators present.

The results of the test have been sent to D.C. police. Condit's office said that the delay in sending polygraph materials was the result of "copying issues."

Investigators will also ask Condit to submit to a polygraph test administered by police, but Ramsey said he is not hopeful the lawmaker will agree.

Fox News' Rita Cosby and The Associated Press contributed to this report.