Confused By Soldiers and Patriotism

Their bravery is second to none. But are drugs helping them get the job done?

According to Men's Health, American troops are dangerously drugged up — citing a U.S. Army survey that found 12 percent of soldiers in Iraq and 15 percent in Afghanistan reported taking antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds or sleeping pills.

But, not mentioned in this article: Their med use is actually lower than the national average.

We did some digging and found that 10 percent of Americans take drugs to fight depression and 25 percent take sleep aids. That's a total of 35 percent: double that of the brave folks in the military.

In short, Men's Health should stick to abs.

I confess I once edited Men's Health and know for a fact that health editors are the unhealthiest people I know. They're a mix of hypochondriacs and boozers who hector about vitamins in the day, then medicate like hell at night. But unlike our military, they don't have war as an excuse. Their biggest concern: Whether high fiber muffins are in the cafeteria. You have to stay regular, people.

To me, it sucks to do a story about soldiers' drug use and not mention that it's far less than the country as a whole. It's actually great news that these guys — who face death daily — aren't as hooked on drugs as I am.

And I'm sure if the writer found out that the soldiers weren't getting their meds, she would do a story condemning that.

So why did this story run? Well, because the media are confused by soldiers and their patriotism. The sad fact is, this article is just one of many that likes painting the military as unstable gunslingers. If you remember the recently pulled DHS report on right-wing extremism, you know Janet Napolitano felt the same way.

It's no wonder our guys need pills. I just wish they would share them with me.

And if you disagree with me, then you sir are worse than Hitler.

Greg Gutfeld hosts "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld" weekdays at 3 a.m. ET. Send your comments to: