Computers, Hard Drives Seized at ACORN's New Orleans Office

Investigators for the Louisiana Attorney General executed a search warrant Friday at ACORN's New Orleans office in connections to allegations of embezzlement and tax fraud.

Spokeswoman Tammi Arender Herring said the search warrant was executed shortly after 9 a.m. and resulted in the seizure of computers, hard drives and documents.

"It is quite a bit of stuff," Herring said, adding that ACORN officials were "extremely cooperative."

The search warrant follows the removal of computers and other items by two unidentified former ACORN employees when they left the organization, according to ACORN attorneys.

Assistant Attorney General David Caldwell said the original allegations of embezzlement were made last year by ACORN board members who were terminated after asking for an examination of the activist group's books.

ACORN fired its longtime director of its Louisiana chapter last month, citing a lack of accountability.

Pamela Marple, an attorney for ACORN, acknowledged that the community activist group has been cooperating with a variety of governmental agencies in the past two months.

"The AG's inquiry came in the form of a subpoena, which was issued in October and which requested virtually every document in the possession of ACORN and any related entity," Marple said in a statement issued to "ACORN was working diligently with the AG’s office to understand the request and respond in a realistic manner, particularly because the subpoena requested well over a million documents."

ACORN has been assured the computers will be returned shortly, Marple said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.