
Our guests this week:
• Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.
• Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.
• Tom Cross, Illinois House Republican leader

The Senate says "no" to an auto industry bailout. Is bankruptcy next for one or more of the Big Three? We'll find out from two key senators involved in the debate: Republican Bob Corker of Tennessee — the architect of an alternative proposal to save the carmakers — and Democrat Debbie Stabenow, a strong advocate for the auto industry.

Then, the Illinois governor stands accused of trying to sell the appointment of President-elect Obama's Senate successor. Will the slot be up for grabs now in a special election? We'll find out from a key Illinois state lawmaker: Tom Cross the Republican House leader.

Also, how has the President-elect and his team handled the political fallout from the scandal? We'll ask our Sunday regulars: Brit Hume, Washington managing editor of FOX News; Mara Liasson of National Public Radio; Bill Kristol of The Weekly Standard and Juan Williams of National Public Radio.

And, a Classic "Power Player of the Week" about one man and his remarkable story of gratitude, generosity and patriotism for our nation's veterans: Morrill Worcester, president of Worcester Wreath.

So check your local listings and we’ll see you on the next "FOX News Sunday."