Coming Up on 'FOX News Sunday': Lawrence Summers; Sens. Kit Bond and Carl Levin


Our exclusive guests this week:
Lawrence Summers, director of the National Economic Council
Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., vice chairman of Select Committee on Intelligence
Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of Armed Services Committee

President Obama gets back to business as he tries to save the economy. The nation's 19 largest banks receive report cards showing how they performed in the government's stress tests, while Chrysler and GM face potential bankruptcy and the Obama administration cracks down on credit card abuse. We'll get the latest on the state of the economy when we sit down with Lawrence Summers, director of the White House National Economic Council — only on "FOX News Sunday."

Meanwhile, controversy over the release of Department of Justice interrogation memos continues, as President Obama flip-flops on his decision not to allow prosecutions of top Bush administration officials, by handing authority over to his newly appointed attorney general. New reports of the use of harsh interrogation tactics during the aftermath of September 11 has erupted in a furor of partisan finger-pointing about whether government officials who green-lighted the program should be held accountable. We continue the debate with two key members from the national security community: Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, and Senator Kit Bond, vice-chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence.

Then, the "First 100 Days" of the Obama presidency come to a close. The White House called the milestone nothing more than a "Hallmark holiday," but how successful has President Obama been when it comes to carrying out his agenda? We'll discuss with our Sunday panel: Brit Hume, FOX News senior political analyst; Mara Liasson of National Public Radio, Bill Kristol of The Weekly Standard and Juan Williams of National Public Radio.

Plus, our Power Player of the Week celebrates the 100-year anniversary of a hospital that makes sure our veterans get the care they deserve: commanding general of Walter Reed, Maj. Gen. Carla Hawley-Bowland.

So check your local listings and we’ll see you on the next "FOX News Sunday."