Colorado 9/11 Slur Prof to Be Investigated

A University of Colorado (search) panel recommended a full investigation Friday of research misconduct allegations against a professor who triggered a national outcry for likening some Sept. 11 victims to a Nazi.

The faculty committee called for investigating Ward Churchill (search) on seven allegations involving plagiarism, misuse of others' work and falsification and fabrication, interim provost Susan Avery said.

The committee recommended dropping two other allegations, that Churchill falsely claimed to be an American Indian and that he infringed on a copyright.

Churchill and his attorney did not immediately return phone messages.

Churchill wrote an essay comparing some World Trade Center victims to Adolf Eichmann (search), one of the Nazis who orchestrated the Holocaust (search).

University officials ordered the investigation after they decided that Churchill, a tenured professor of ethnic studies, could not be fired for his Sept. 11 remarks.

Churchill has refused to retract the statement but said he wishes he had phrased it differently.