City Seal Sparks Flap in California

"In God We Trust" (search) is the national motto, and now one California town plans to make it part of its official seal.

Oceanside's city seal will have the words "In God We Trust" below its logo. "Liberty" will be written out above it.

The measure was voted down twice last year, but earlier this month during a spirited council meeting in which more than 100 residents spoke out -- mostly in favor of the idea -- the Oceanside (search) City Council passed unanimously a plan to add the words to its logo, where it can be seen, among other places, on the council chamber's wall.

But not all Oceanside residents are pleased with the plan. They are accusing the council of playing politics, and point out that all five City Council members are up for re-election this year.

"I find that people who press their faith for political advantage are really subverting their own beliefs. And it's upsetting to me because this is my city hall chambers, and I'm not comfortable going in there once that plaque goes up," said Oceanside resident Nadine Scott.

The American Civil Liberties Union (search) is said to have been contacted by opponents who want to file suit against the town, but the organization has yet to decide whether to take the case.

Click on the video box near the top of this story to watch a report by FOX News' Anita Vogel.