
Key dates in the case of John Demjanjuk:

— 1920: Born in Ukraine.

— 1942: Captured by German forces while serving in the Soviet Red Army.

— 1952: Demjanjuk emigrates to United States, claims to have spent much of World War II in a German prisoner of war camp. Gains U.S. citizenship in 1958.

— 1977: Justice Department seeks to revoke U.S. citizenship, alleging Demjanjuk hid past as Nazi death camp guard "Ivan the Terrible."

— 1981: Citizenship revoked.

— 1986: Extradited to Israel for trial over his alleged role at Treblinka.

— 1988: Demjanjuk sentenced to death after being found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

— 1993: Israel's Supreme Court rules 5-0 that Demjanjuk was not "Ivan the Terrible."

— 1998: Regains U.S. citizenship.

— 1999: U.S. Justice Dept. files civil complaint against Demjanjuk claiming he served as a guard at the Sobibor and Majdanek camps in occupied Poland and of being a member of an SS unit.

— 2002: Demjanjuk's U.S. citizenship stripped for second time.

— 2005: U.S. immigration judge says Demjanjuk can be deported to Germany, Poland or Ukraine.

— March 11, 2009: German prosecutors charge Demjanjuk with 29,000 counts of accessory to murder and say they will seek extradition from U.S.

— March 24, 2009: U.S. officials confirm they've asked Germany for travel documents needed to deport Demjanjuk.

— April 14, 2009: Immigration officers remove Demjanjuk from his home to federal custody in Cleveland; 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals grants emergency stay of deportation and federal immigration authorities release Demjanjuk from custody.

— May 1, 2009: 6th Circuit revokes emergency stay, denies additional stay of deportation.

— May 7, 2009: U.S. Supreme Court judge decides not to hear Demjanjuk's appeal, clearing way for deportation to Germany.

— May 8, 2009: Immigration officials serve Demjanjuk notice to surrender.

— May 11, 2009: Berlin court rejects appeal seeking to stop deportation; Demjanjuk leaves home by ambulance.