Charitable Work; Obama's Broken Promise

Today will mark the launch of a very dynamic partnership that I'm forming with the Wanna Play Fund that will put music in the hands of students across America.

One of your favorite parts of the show is the music, both from guest celebrities as well as our in-house band The Little Rockers -- all volunteers who work behind the scenes at the FOX News Channel, but love playing music.

When we've had those celebrities here, we've asked them to autograph a guitar that I've kept backstage and we're going to kick off the Wanna Play Fund by auctioning that guitar on eBay with all the proceeds going to buy musical instruments for students.

Even if you don't bid on the guitar, you can make a tax deductible contribution to the Wanna Play Fund, and meet some New Jersey students who are living proof of how music can transform the lives of students.

All the details are available on — just follow the link and stay tuned to today's show as we'll have more on this musical venture.

Speaking of fiddling around and beating drums, President Obama chose to announce that we're not going to honor our commitment to Poland and the Czech Republic with the missile shield we promised. We made this surprise announcement on the 70th anniversary of the Russian invasion of Poland -- a brilliant diplomatic move, for sure.

But while we seem to be eager to have a chat with Iran despite their moving forward with nuclear capacity, we are turning on those who have been reliable friends.

When the blood of 20-year-old women were being spilled into the streets of Teheran as they were murdered by their own government, the president said he didn't want to interfere. Yet when 20 Jewish families tried to move into a Jewish-owned apartment complex, Obama personally interfered and urged the Israelis to stop those families because it might offend the Palestinians. He has equated Palestinian terrorism with expanded Jewish settlement, as if building a school is the same as blowing up the children inside the school.

One personal note: Happy 100th birthday today to Dr. Raymond Coppenger, retired professor of theology at my beloved Alma Mater, Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia. Dr. Coppenger is one of the most brilliant scholars I've known, and his Edinburgh-trained intellect was matched by his humble and gracious spirit. As he and his family celebrate his 100 years, I thank him for his investment in my life.

That's my view, I welcome yours. E-mail your comments to:

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