'Cash for Clunkers' Train Wreck Rolls On

A quick trip around Hannity's America...

No "Cash for Clunkers"

The train wreck that is the "cash for clunkers" program continues. The program may have triggered an uptick in auto sales, but it has also taken its toll on many car dealers' budgets.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, some dealers have dished out millions in rebates and have yet to be paid back by the government. One dealer in Wisconsin said, "They rolled out the program and told us that we'd get paid in 10 days. It's already been three weeks."

I guess this is the kind of efficiency that we can expect if the government takes over the U.S. health care system.

The Verdict Is In

Our Waste 101 update comes to you courtesy of the economic stimulus.

It's been six months since Congress passed the $787 billion pork bill and the verdict is in: The public thinks it has been a colossal failure, according to the latest Gallup Poll.

Asked where the stimulus has made the economy better, has had no effect or has made it worse, 57 percent think that the stimulus has either had no effect or in fact made it worse.

But that's not all. On the subject of waste, Americans have absolutely no confidence that the government is spending their money efficiently. A whopping 78 percent of poll respondents said that they were either very or somewhat worried money that "money from the economic stimulus plan is being wasted."

Well, that's a ringing endorsement! Good work, Democrats.

Big News?

And speaking of those who disagree with what this administration is doing, you can add one more critic to this list, and it's one you probably never expected.

Remember anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan who spent all that time protesting outside of President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas? Well, she's setting out to protest President Obama's policies at Martha's Vineyard where the president plans to vacation in his multimillion-dollar waterfront mansion starting next week.

Sheehan is upset that he hasn't pulled us out of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and apparently Pakistan.

Sheehan was bolted to fame by the media when she became an outspoken critic of President Bush's policies in Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember the major networks tirelessly out there covering her each and every day and each and every protest? Byron York of The Washington Examiner wonders if the media is going to pay as much attention next week when she protests a different president.

I'll be looking for the big headlines but I won't be holding my breath.

Lost in Space

Hugo, we have a problem.

Remember back in April when President Obama shook hands and exchanged pleasantries with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez? Well, just a few short months after that love fest it appears their relationship is now on the rocks.

Chavez slammed President Obama and his Latin American policies in a television interview Sunday. Among other things the dictator expressed outrage over a new military agreement between the U.S. and Colombia, saying, "President Obama is lost in the Andromeda Nebula, he has lost his bearings, he doesn't get it."

Looks like the president's charm offensive didn't win over this dictator after all. Better luck with Ahmadinejad.

It's "Hammer" Time

Make room on the dance floor, because here comes Tom DeLay!

That's right, the former House majority leader has confirmed that he will be joining the cast of "Dancing With the Stars." He'll be competing against celebrities like Donnie Osmond, NFL Hall-of-Famer Michael Irvin and supermodel Kathy Ireland.

DeLay is reportedly been training all summer for the show. He's lost 12 pounds.

Get your TiVo ready, the disco machine is set to debut in September!

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