Bush: U.S. Defending Against Terror

President Bush condemned the Taliban and said his administration is seeking to disrupt terrorism around the world in his weekly radio address on Saturday.

"This is a different kind of war, which we will wage aggressively and methodically to disrupt and destroy terrorist activity," he said.

As part of the international effort, Bush thanked countries that cut off diplomatic ties with the Taliban. This week, Bush will meet with the prime ministers of Canada and Japan in order to broaden the anti-terrorism coalition.

"Other countries, from Russia to Indonesia, are giving strong support as the war against terrorism moves forward," Bush said.

Domestically, Bush said that his administration has frozen the U.S.-based assets of 27 known terrorist groups and blocked the groups from doing business in the U.S. He called on Congress to grant law enforcement greater authority to intercept terrorist communications and said he would seek "more funding and better technology for our country's intelligence community."

The president said that military, diplomatic, financial and legal methods would be used to stop terrorism — and noted that some of the U.S. victories against terror groups would not be obvious.

"Some victories will be won outside of public view, in tragedies avoided and threats eliminated. Other victories will be clear to all," he said.

Bush made a point of distinguishing between "the Taliban regime in Afghanistan" and the Afghan people. "The United States respects the people of Afghanistan and we are their largest provider of humanitarian aid," Bush said. "But we condemn the Taliban, and welcome the support of other nations in isolating that regime."

In addition, the president discussed efforts to make sure air travel was secure from future terrorist activities. Currently, efforts exist to place federal air marshals on all jetliners and to put stronger locks on cockpit doors.

Bush also said he would work with Congress to put federal law enforcement in charge of bag and passenger screening at airports.

"Standards will be tougher and enforced by highly trained professionals who know exactly what they're looking for," Bush said.

Bush also called on governors to deploy the National Guard at airport security checkpoints. He also said that other branches of the military are being moved into place for future missions.

"Soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardmen are being deployed to points around the globe, ready to answer when their country calls.  Our military families have accepted many hardships, and our nation is grateful for their willing service," Bush said.

In the Democratic address, Los Angeles Mayor Jim Hahn said that his party "stands one hundred percent behind President Bush as he prepares the appropriate military response," but focused more on how civilians could aid the anti-terrorism efforts.

"I urge all Americans to be involved in humanitarian efforts taking place in your communities," Hahn said, mentioning the Red Cross, Salvation Army, shelters for homeless veterans, and local police and fire departments.

"Your contribution can be tangible or symbolic. The important thing is that we demonstrate the unity and compassion that makes ours the greatest country in the world, Hahn said."

The efforts to build an international coalition are already producing results. On Friday, the Justice Department announced that more than 480 people have been arrested or detained worldwide.

Officials also said they were focusing in on a small group of suspected masterminds in the Middle East and Europe.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.