
Defense issues, terrorism and the situation in Iraq will highlight two meetings President Bush will have during the next two weeks with leaders from Iceland and El Salvador.

The president meets at the White House on Tuesday with Prime Minister David Oddsson (search)  of Iceland. Oddsson is the longest-serving elected leader in Europe.

"Iceland is a valued friend and ally of the United States, making key contributions to NATO operations in Afghanistan and the Balkans," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. He said the two leaders would discuss defense and economic cooperation, combating terrorism, Iraq, the broader Middle East and issues discussed at the recent NATO (search) summit in Istanbul.

Bush meets July 12 with Tony Saca (search), who recently was sworn in as the new president of El Salvador, to discuss security, human rights and free trade.

The main opposition party to Saca boycotted his inauguration, demanding the country pull its troops out of Iraq. Saca, however, has promised to continue the policies of outgoing President Francisco Flores, who built one of the most pro-U.S. administrations in the hemisphere.