Burt Reynolds, Ex-Girlfriend Settle Suits

Burt Reynolds (search) and a former girlfriend have agreed to settle lawsuits they filed against each other in November, according to lawyers for both sides.

"Neither side admits the allegations in the other's lawsuit, but both parties are committed to putting this matter behind them and moving on to whatever the future holds," John McGovern, a West Palm Beach attorney representing Reynolds, said Monday.

Reynolds, 69, sued former girlfriend Pamela Seals (search), 49, in November, alleging that she was threatening to falsely accuse him of abuse if he didn't pay millions of dollars in extortion.

In Los Angeles the following day, Seals sued the "Cannonball Run (search)" actor for abuse and broken promises. Seals said Reynolds agreed to maintain her lifestyle and take care of her mother indefinitely, even if the relationship ended. She also said he promised to give her half of his estate in Jupiter, Fla.

Seals also accused him in the lawsuit of physical abuse she said lasted from 1998 to 2000.

In Reynolds' lawsuit, filed in West Palm Beach, he said she threatened to accuse him of those acts unless he paid her millions of dollars.

On Monday, Seals' California attorney, Marvin Gross, said the case was "settled to everyone's satisfaction" and that the agreement takes care of both the Florida and California cases.

Reynolds's films include "Smokey and the Bandit (search)," "Deliverance (search)," "Boogie Nights (search)" and both the original and the recent remake of "The Longest Yard (search)."