Brother of Woman Mauled by Chimpanzee Speaks Out About Horrific Incident

This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March 9, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Factor Follow-up" segment tonight: 55-year-old Charla Nash remains in critical condition at the Cleveland Clinic at Ohio. You may remember, the Connecticut woman was mauled by a chimpanzee on February 16. She was friends and worked for the animal's owner. That woman, Sandra Herold, called 911 as the attack was underway.



911 OPERATOR: What's the problem there?

HEROLD: The chimp killed my — my friend.

911 OPERATOR: What's the problem with your friend? I need to know.

HEROLD: Send the police out... with a gun, with a gun!


O'REILLY: With us now, Mike Nash, the twin brother of Charla Nash.

First of all, our condolences to your family. And Ms. Nash has a 17-year-old daughter, right? Brianna?

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O'REILLY: Oh my God. I mean, you can just imagine.

NASH: She's strong though.

O'REILLY: She's going to have to be.

Your sister is in the Cleveland Clinic. Excellent place. What is her condition? What is she going through?

O'REILLY: She's still critical. Stable. You know, things they're worried about are infection and pneumonia. She's being closely monitored. She's heavily sedated, and they're starting to bring her out of that.

O'REILLY: So she's never been able to speak since the attack, right?

NASH: Right.

O'REILLY: She's always been under sedation. She lost most of her face, correct?

NASH: Right.

O'REILLY: Are they going to be able to — are they going to be able to rebuild the face?

NASH: They've done it before.

O'REILLY: So that's the goal, is to rebuild her face?

NASH: Yes.

O'REILLY: We hear that she may be blind?

NASH: Nothing has been verified. Her mental status hasn't been verified.

O'REILLY: So brain injuries we don't know.

NASH: Yes. But there's good signs that she's able to move both sides of the body.

O'REILLY: OK, so she's not paralyzed.

NASH: She can breathe on her own.

O'REILLY: Now, your sister worked for this woman, and they had a towing — car towing deal, right?

NASH: Correct.

O'REILLY: And she was in proximity to this chimpanzee a number of times. We have pictures of her with it. The situation now is that your sister is going to have to be cared for for the rest of her life, no matter what. Is there any kind of insurance situation that can handle her bills here?


O'REILLY: Nothing?

NASH: Nothing.

O'REILLY: She doesn't have anything, and Miss Herold doesn't have anything?

NASH: I've heard she doesn't have home insurance. I don't know how true it is.

O'REILLY: Because you would think with the business or something like that. All right. Because I just want you to know that that's where you have to go in this kind of a condition, because her daughter is 17. Now, how is Brianna handling this thing?

NASH: Brianna is strong. I got her in a stable environment, staying in Connecticut with a family I know and she knows and my sister knows. She's going to the same school, and the principal and counselors are, you know, monitoring her closely.

O'REILLY: Has she been out to Cleveland?


O'REILLY: That's smart.

NASH: Probably spring break.

O'REILLY: You've got to really ease her into that?

NASH: Believe it or not, she went and saw her mother the first night.

O'REILLY: She did?

NASH: Yes.

O'REILLY: What did she say after that?

NASH: We walked in together. You know, we prayed. We talked to Charla. And then Brianna says, "OK, we can go." And Brianna actually said she could recognize her, but I couldn't, you know. At that point, they reconstructed part of the face, but it didn't survive.

O'REILLY: Unbelievable. What do you think about it? Is it your faith sustaining you at this point?

NASH: That, and, you know, I know where my focus is. It's with my sister's care and Brianna's care. That's my main focus right now is getting conservator...

O'REILLY: You don't seem to have anger in you toward Miss Herold.

NASH: There's anger, but it's, you know, I put it to the back. And initially, you know, I could have been screaming and yelling. But, you know, I knew my focus was...

O'REILLY: What good does that do you. You've got to care for your sister.

NASH: I couldn't go there. And now reality has kind of come in. It kind of less intensified the anger. So instead of having an emotional response, I can respond to the anger.

O'REILLY: Well, listen, you're doing the right thing, Mr. Nash, for your twin sister. Concentrate on her care and Brianna's care. If we can do anything for you at all, you let us know, OK? It doesn't have to be on camera or off camera. You have an ally with us. Whatever care she needs, whatever she — I know you have a foundation, and what is the address of that.


O'REILLY: NashTrust — one word — dot com. That's easy.

NASH: And her daughter and the tech club are building like a sister Web site where we're going to have more personal information.

O'REILLY: On her progress?

NASH: Friends and everything, too.

O'REILLY: You know, we'll get this organized so that your sister doesn't have — you know, whatever she needs we'll get. And we appreciate you coming on in here. Thank you, sir.

NASH: Thank you.

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