
Drum roll please: Britney Spears (search) is not a girl -- she's a woman. The pop star has broken the worst kept secret in pop culture and announced she is not a virgin.

In an interview with W magazine, Spears said she had sex with Justin Timberlake (search), whom she met as a Mouseketeer (search) and dated in their pop star primes.

But it's not like she's now a slave for sex: She backed up her salacious announcement saying the former 'N Sync star is the only person who has ever shared her bed.

"I've only slept with one person my whole life," Spears, 21, told the magazine. "It was two years into my relationship with Justin, and I thought he was the one."

The pop star pair said "bye bye bye" to their relationship, and now Spears is ready for more male affection.

"I haven't had a boy in a really long time, and I'm really craving," the blond starlet said to W. "Just a kiss, man. Just a kiss would be nice."

Spears also helps shed her bubblegum image in a not-that-innocent pictorial spread for the magazine, which was intended to "do something a little more groundbreaking," W's fashion director Joe Zee told Fox News.

"We wanted to do something a little more grown up with more raw sexuality that shows what Britney is … She's very much in control of her career and image," Zee said. "She's such a paradox, a sweet down home Southern girl and a vixen."

Sex and the star have been linked since she publicly proclaimed she would remain a virgin until her wedding night.

"The virginity issue . . . it's a personal decision and it reflects how I feel right now about myself," she told Britain's Daily Star in 2002. "There are so many emotions involved that I would like to be able to wait until I know I'm with the right person and I'm married."

Even though Spears has since said she regrets ever bringing up the virginity issue, the tantalizing topic is one of her trademarks. Spears has been spotted partying hard during her musical hiatus and has revealed that her good girl image is just that.

"Smoking, drinking, sex -- why is it such a big deal for me?" she said to People in August 2002. "Everything in moderation."

Oh, how times have changed for Spears, who's almost as famous for her avowed virginity as her midriff. Less than a year ago she claimed the issue was private and not fit for print.

"Who cares if I've had sex?" she told People. "It's nobody's business. Trust me, I'm not going to have a press conference to announce it."