
The four international journalists killed in an Afghanistan ambush were identified by colleagues Tuesday.

The bodies of Australian television cameraman Harry Burton and Afghan photographer Azizullah Haidari, both of the Reuters news agency; Maria Grazia Cutuli of Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera; and Julio Fuentes of the Spanish daily El Mundo have been recovered.

The four were killed Monday when their convoy was ambushed in a narrow mountain pass on the road to the Afghan capital, Kabul, from the eastern city of Jalalabad. Militiamen found the bodies and brought them to a hospital in Jalalabad, where they were identified by colleagues.

An anti-Taliban leader in the area said the attackers were bandits, but witnesses said they shouted pro-Taliban sayings.

The four were among more than a dozen international journalists traveling in a convoy of around eight cars. Because the road was dusty, the cars spread out and often lost sight of each other.

Near the town of Serobi, 35 miles east of Kabul, six gunmen on the roadside waved the first three cars in the convoy to stop. One car sped ahead, while two stopped, said Ashiquallah, the driver of the car carrying the Reuters reporters. He uses only one name.

He said the gunmen, wearing long robes, beards and turbans, warned them not to go any farther because there was fighting ahead with the Taliban. At that moment, a bus from Kabul came by and said the road was safe. The cars' drivers thought the gunmen were thieves and tried to speed away, but the gunmen stopped them.

The gunmen then ordered all the journalists out of the cars and tried to force them to climb the mountain. When they refused, the gunmen beat them and threw stones at them, said Ashiquallah.

"They said, 'What, you think the Taliban are finished? We are still in power and we will have our revenge,'" Ashiquallah said.

The gunmen then shot the Italian woman and one of the men, prompting the drivers to flee, he said. The Afghan translator, a man named Homuin, was left behind with the journalists.

The cars sped back toward Jalalabad and to warn the rest of the convoy. Other journalists saw the cars turn, and decided to turn around also.

Ashiquallah's account was corroborated by another translator and driver who escaped in the other car.

Haji Shershah, an anti-Taliban commander in Jalalabad, said he spoke to residents and travelers on the road who reported seeing four bodies at the location of the attack.

"They were on the road, one woman and three men," Shershah said, quoting witnesses.

He said villagers reported numerous other attacks involving gunfire on vehicles on the same road during the day.

Shershah took his men to within 10 miles of the ambush site. He decided against trying to go farther because night had fallen, the attack took place outside his district, and he feared an ambush on the narrow road, which has a river to the north and a steep mountain to the south.

The Afghans who took control of Jalalabad after the Taliban fled have a tenuous relationship with the Northern Alliance in Kabul, and the attack occurred along the boundary between the two groups.

Shershah said the attackers were bandits, not Taliban or his own fighters. A French journalist was robbed in the area the day before, and hours after Monday's assault on the journalists, an Afghan car arrived in Jalalabad with two bullet holes after being attacked.

"They're not Taliban, they are thieves," Shershah said. "They just want to put the blame on the Taliban. ... They were robbing lots of people."

Not too many Taliban were likely to be in the area, which was recently usurped by anti-Taliban forces. But some Taliban stragglers and Arab fighters loyal to Usama bin Laden are still believed to be there.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.