Biting Back as a Business Woman: Lohan Responsible for Ronson's Fame & Fortune?

Is money coming inbetween Lindsay and Sam? (AP)

Biting Back as a Business Woman: Lohan Responsible for Ronson’s Fame and Fortune? | Bethenny Frankel: The 'Real Housewife' Believes She Can Make Oprah Thin ... Permanently | Lauren Conrad Like, Over the Cameras and Ready to Produce? | Anne Hathaway to Play Judy Garland on Stage and Screen

Biting Back as a Business Woman: Lohan Responsible For Ronson’s Fame & Fortune?

Reports have been running rampant that a "financially-strapped" Lindsay Lohan has been spending all of Samantha Ronson’s hard-earned dollars, but according to insiders Ronson only earns the big bucks she does because of her romance with the high-profile actress.

Tarts has been told that prior to her relationship with Lohan, Ronson was lucky to earn $5000 a night but since dating the starlet her rate has doubled and even gone up again a little more in recent times. But it gets better — apparently these days it is often written in to Ronson’s contract for certain bookings that if she brings her girlfriend to the gig she pulls around $25,000. So is Lohan the main reason Ronson is who she is and earns what she earns anyway?

"A few years ago it was the same thing with AM, he earned more when he brought (then-girlfriend) Nicole Richie," said an insider. "But he’s a very talented DJ and has since built a career of his own."

A rep for Ronson did not respond for comment.

So while Lind’s career in front of the camera may not exactly be running hot right now, the 22-year-old’s business ventures are going strong even despite the depressing economy and her well, occasional wild ways. According to West Hollywood boutique Kitson, her leggings line 6126 has been literally running out the door since its launch in July last year and that is with most consumers not even realizing LiLo is behind the brand.

We’ve also confirmed she’s already designing for the upcoming season — the party princess even gave up her Monday afternoon to give her showroom and buyers at Los Angeles Market Week a sneak peak as she desperately wants to make it big in the business world.

Miss Lohan also just inked an exclusive deal with cosmetics giant Sephora to release a tanning mist "Seven Nyne" which will hit the stores nationwide May 1st.

"Lindsay is determined to be on her best behavior and is working extra hard," added a source close to the starlet. "She has been told if she steps out of line even a little her deals will be screwed and she obviously doesn’t want that to happen."

Bethenny Frankel: The 'Real Housewife' Believes She Can Make Oprah Thin... Permanently

Bethenny Frankel, the natural foods chef on The Real Housewives of New York, believes she has unlocked the long-term solution to eternal skinniness and has penned her findings in a new book "Naturally Thin: Unleash Your SkinnyGirl and Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting".

"I never thought about writing a book, but I figured out how to be thin and not obsessed and I was like ‘wow’ so I had to write about it. I know how much my friends and I struggled. All I talked about was what I ate and I worked out all the time, now I don’t even work out that much - maybe two days a week if I can," Frankel (who does have a fabulously flawless figure) told Tarts at her book signing at Santa Monica’s Fred Segal Fun store last week. "Women in America are going to be thinner because of this book, Oprah is going to be thinner, nobody needs to freak out anymore."

The 38-year-old reality starlet has been very open about her weight struggles and eating disorders since childhood and even admitted it wasn’t so long ago that she was easily 15-20 pounds heavier.

"Being skinny didn’t come easy for me, I was on every single diet and grew up in a life of diet obsession and food noise," she added. "But now I’ve freed myself and I can worry about other things."

Like the self-congratulating comments she makes on her Bravo reality show?

"I’m only critical if I say something so narcissistic or I start congratulating myself then I go ‘why hell would I do that?’ But I’m not really sorry because it is all true, that’s just who I am," Frankel added. "Sometimes I say stupid things."

Lauren Conrad Like, Over The Cameras And Ready To Produce?

After five years of leading a double-life in front of the lens, it is no wonder retired reality starlet Lauren Conrad is looking forward to a quiet life behind-the-scenes. Now with a bit more time to spare given the news that her clothing line is "on hiatus", Conrad told Tarts that she’s focusing on pens and production.

"I’ve already started on my second book in the 'L.A Candy' series and will be busy promoting the first one," she said. "And I kinda want to work in production so stay tuned."

According to Conrad’s rep, the 23-year-old’s line still exists despite rumors to the contrary, and fashion designing is still first and foremost her greatest passion.

"Lauren just wants to take time out to look at how the collection went in the first season and how she can improve for future seasons," said the rep. "And in terms of television, if she does decide to go back into that industry she most likely would like to take it to a different level and possibly produce a show."

Anne Hathaway To Play Judy Garland On Stage & Screen

It looks like Anne Hathaway’s surprise musical number with Hugh Jackman on Oscar night has scored her quite a coveted role.

The Academy Award-nominated actress has just signed on to play iconic singer/actress Judy Garland (on both the stage and the big screen) in Harvey Weinstein’s upcoming adaptation of Gerald Clarke’s best-selling 2001 biography "Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland".

"I have worked with Anne on projects in the past and have known her for many years. She will be a true class act in this challenging role," Harvey Weinstein said in a statement on Monday. "Gerald Clarke’s biography is a fascinating and comprehensive look at Garland’s life and is particularly outstanding because of its exclusive details from her own writings. Her story is incredible subject matter for both theatre and film and we look forward to bringing it to audiences."