Biography: Juval Aviv

Juval Aviv holds an M.A. in Business from Tel Aviv University and is President and CEO of Interfor, Inc., an international corporate intelligence and investigations firm.

Founded in 1979, Interfor, Inc. works with U.S. and foreign law firms, leading financial institutions, multinational corporations, insurers and governmental agencies in conducting investigations throughout the world. Interfor's services encompass white-collar crime investigations, asset search and recovery, corporate due diligence, litigation support, fraud investigations, internal compliance investigations, security and vulnerability assessments. Interfor is, in particular, highly regarded for its investigation services in cases where assets have been fraudulently hidden offshore. Since its inception, Interfor’s asset investigation services have recovered over $2 billion worldwide for its clients.

Before founding Interfor, Aviv served as an officer in the Israel Defense Force (Major, retired) leading an elite Commando/ Intelligence Unit, and was later selected by the Israeli Secret Service (Mossad) to participate in a number of intelligence and special operations in many countries in the late 1960s and 1970s.

Consequently, for over 30 years, Aviv has worked with corporations and other entities, both domestically and internationally, on security measures for the protection of assets and personnel.

Aviv’s security experience is broad and includes high profile clients such as El Al Airlines. While working as a consultant with El Al, Aviv surveyed the existing security measures in place and updated and developed El Al’s security program, making El Al the safest airline in business today. Aviv also serves as a special consultant to the U.S. Congress on issues of terrorism and money laundering. A leading authority on terrorist networks and their inner workings, Aviv served as lead investigator for Pan Am Airways into the Pan Am 103-Lockerbie terrorist bombing.

Most recently, Aviv wrote Staying Safe: The Complete Guide to Protecting Yourself, Your Family, and Your Business, published in June 2004 by HarperResource, a division of HarperCollins Publishing. In Staying Safe, Aviv outlines the essential tools for becoming personally responsible for the security and safety of yourself and your loved ones. The book outlines how to assess your level of risk, identify suspicious behavior, and offers real strategies on how to protect yourself in a variety of environments.

Among its useful advice, Staying Safe provides specific tips on how to select a secure hotel when traveling domestically or internationally and how to safeguard your home, office, savings and your identity. Aviv is also the author of The Complete Terrorism Survival Guide, published by Juris Publishing in March, 2003.

Since the publication of both books, Aviv has been a frequent contributor to articles and programs on U.S. preparedness relative to various forms of terrorism.

Aviv has also been a speaker and panel participant for many organizations including the FBI, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, the Turnaround Management Association, the International Bar Association, the National White Collar Crime Center, the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges, the American Bankruptcy Institute, and the Nevada Bar Association.

In addition to his speaking engagements, Aviv has been a guest on ABC “Nightline,” FOX News, CNN, BBC “Newsnight,” ZDF (German National Television) and RAI (Italian National Television) and has been featured in numerous articles in major magazines and newspapers worldwide.

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