Bio: Harvey W. Kushner, Ph.D.

As an internationally recognized authority on the subject of terrorism, Professor Kushner has advised and trained numerous governmental agencies, including the FBI and the U.S. Customs Service. He continues to work as a terrorism analyst for the U.S. Probation Department.

Kushner has traveled throughout the world lecturing and sharing his expertise on terrorism with a variety of governmental agencies, corporate entities and university think-tanks, including the FBI Academy’s Behavioral Science Unit in Quantico, Va.; the United Nations Congress in Vienna, Austria; the U.S. Naval War College, Newport, R.I.; the University of Virginia’s Critical Incident Analysis Group, Charlottesville, Va.; and Hill & Associates, Hong Kong.

International advocacy groups and government committees, as well as victims of terrorism, also rely on his expertise. In the past, Kushner wrote the expert’s report in a successful multimillion-dollar civil litigation arising out of the bombing of the World Trade Center and served as an expert observer on terrorism for the United Nations.  He just completed service as an expert in the U.S. Embassy bombing trial.  In addition, he has counseled families of the victims of the Pan Am 103 bombing, suicide bombings in Israel and the Empire State Building shooting. He also consulted on cases involving terrorism in Egypt and state sponsored terrorism involving Iran.

Kushner’s work on terrorism has been published extensively. His latest books include Terrorism in America and the Future of Terrorism, and he is currently working on The Concise Encyclopedia of Terrorism for Sage. He also edits an annual issue on terrorism for the American Behavioral Scientist and serves on the journal’s editorial board. 

Kushner received his Ph.D. degree in political science from New York University.  He is currently professor and chair of the Department of Criminal Justice and Security Administration at Long Island University.