Bin Laden's 'Ambassador to Europe' Re-Arrested in U.K.

Extremist preacher Abu Qatada, once called Usama bin Laden's ambassador to Europe, faces a hearing Tuesday after being re-arrested in West London.

Abu Qatada was taken into custody over the weekend, apparently for violating his strict bail conditions, according to British newspaper reports.

The prominent terrorist suspect had been freed on bail in June despite government objections, but was confined to his home 22 hours per day and forced to wear an electronic monitoring device at all times.

His case is to be heard Tuesday morning by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, a spokeswoman said.

"We're assuming the hearing will be about his bail conditions," said the spokeswoman, who asked not to be identified because of the commission's policy.

His bail could be revoked if he is found to have violated his bail conditions, which aim to keep him from having any contact with known terrorists.

He is forbidden to use the Internet, computers, or mobile phones and is specifically prohibited from any contact with bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

British government officials maintain Abu Qatada, a Palestinian-Jordanian, had ties to convicted shoe bomber Richard Reid and to Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person convicted in the United States for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Authorities accused him of raising large amounts of money for extremist networks in Britain and abroad and also providing spiritual guidance to terrorists.

However, Abu Qatada has so far been able to frustrate British government attempts to deport him or keep him in prison.

British appeals courts have ruled that Abu Qatada cannot be deported to Jordan because he could face torture there. He has been convicted in Jordan for his role in two bombings.

A British judge ordered his release on bail in June, and the government is appealing that decision in the House of Lords, Britain's highest court. The government argues he poses a threat to national security and should be kept in prison.