BBQ Salmon with Cucumber Noodles

Summer's here and it's time to fire up the grill!

The 21 Club’s executive chef Erik Blauberg joins us with this tasty recipe:

BBQ Salmon with Cucumber Noodles and Grilled Corn Salad

• BBQ Salmon
4 servings

4-7oz. Salmon Filets (boneless and skinless)
2 tbs. olive oil
1/2 cup BBQ sauce (see recipe)
2 cups cucumber noodles (see recipe)
2 cups grilled corn salad (see recipe)

Brush the salmon with oil season to taste with salt pepper
Place the salmon on a hot grill. Cook for 4 minutes turn over and brush with BBQ sauce.
Cook until tender (approx. to 4 to 5 minutes). Remove from the grill.
Place the salmon on 4 dishes. Serve with the cucumber noodles and grilled salad.

• Cucumber Noodles
4 side dish servings

1 seedless cucumber (cut into scripts)
3 tbs yogurt
3 tbs sour cream/creme Fraiche
2 tsp dill leaves (fresh)
Squeeze lime juice
Cayenne pepper to taste
Sea salt to taste

Place the yogurt, sour cream dill leaves into a mixing bowl mix well season with the lime juice pepper and salt to taste.
Place the cucumber strips into a mixing bowl and add the dressing toss and serve.

• Grilled Corn Salad:
4 side servings

4 corn on the cob (grilled and removed from the husk)
4 tbs tomatoes (diced)
4 tbs red bell peppers (diced)
4 sliced baby radishes
4 tbs chickpeas
4 tbs green peas
4 tbs black beans
2 tbs jalapeno paper (minced)
4 tbs cilantro leaves (washed)
Pinch of cumin
Pinch of chili power
6 tbs olive oil
2 tbs white wine vinegar
Squeeze of lime juice
Salt and pepper to taste
4 corn chips (garnish)
1 cup baby arugula leaves (garnish))

Toss all ingredients into a mixing bowl and garnish with corn chips and arugula leaves

• BBQ Sauce

1/2 cup minced onion
4 tbs bacon fat or oil
1 1/2 cups tomato ketchup
1/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cups Worcestershire sauce
1 tbs Tabasco sauce
1 cups lemon juice
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

Place the bacon fat into a saucepot over a medium to low heat ass the onions until translucent (cook for approximately 3 minutes) add all the other ingredients.
Bring to a boil. Let simmer for 5 minutes.