Balance Sheet Crossword Puzzle for June 28th

Our infamous crossword puzzle is back!  Grab a sharp pencil with a good eraser and get to work.  The answers all relate people or events in the news.  To enter the contest just send us the numbered answers; the grid is here to help you along.  Good luck.

1. Capitol souvenir
5. Scorned (?) Scorcher
6. Saying good-bye to Captain Jack
7. Former model, camera shy
9. Major Minority star
10. World's Chief Cost Camouflager 

2. Southwest Showdown at...
3. "Doin' a brand new dance now" (?)
4. Adding shame
8. Smart ex-con

Send your answers to after 9pm ET Friday, June 28th. The first FOX Fan with the correct answers wins an FNC hat. Please remember to include your full name and mailing address in your e-mail or your entry will be discarded.