
Sat., Sept. 2 at 9pm & 2am ET

Hazardous encounters. Close calls. Narrow escapes.

To get their stories, Fox News reporters are often put to the test. Whether covering riots, confronting rebels or defying death in an out of control plane, find out how far Fox News reporters will go to get their stories when Jon Scott hosts Assignment Danger II this weekend.

Investigative journalists are always on the lookout for compelling stories. And when it comes to  television, the story also requires attention-getting video. Learn how Fox News' Catherine Herridge uses a technique that almost always delivers... the confrontation.

Colombia is a very beautiful country, but an extremely dangerous place... especially for journalists. Watch as our Fox News crew reports on cocaine trafficking and stands face-to-face with ruthless guerilla and para military units responsible for thousands of murders.

War is hell and covering it can be just as difficult.  Watch as Fox News' Rita Cosby and Amy Kellogg continue reporting as they stand in the line of fire.

Plus, ever wonder what it's like to drive through fires and into tornado country?  Just ask Fox News' Mike Emanuel.