Arkansas Mom Fails to Sell Baby Naming Rights on eBay for a Fifth Time

An unemployed Arkansas woman — and her unborn son, whose name she tried to auction on eBay — can't seem to catch a break.

After five auctions on the Internet marketplace, Lavonne Drummond, 36, saw a winning bid of $6,800 was dashed Tuesday when the winning bidder, a producer at an Internet radio talk show, told the mother of six that he had no intention of paying for the naming rights of her seventh child.

"They just apologized," Drummond told "They just wanted to help but didn't think they would actually win."

Drummond, whose first four auctions were removed by eBay for myriad reasons, said she won't make the radio show Morning Jungle or its producer, Brett Cohen, honor the winning bid.

"I've been through a lot and I'm just tired," Drummond said through tears. "I've had graphic e-mails sent to me, crank calls calling me every name. … I'm just done."

Until recently, Drummond, of Smackover, Ark., had sung a different tune, telling she planned to use the money to repair her 2000 Dodge Caravan, to pay past due bills and purchase school supplies for her children, ages 19, 16, 14, 3, 2 and 1.

Drummond's seventh child, her second son, is due Sept. 16. She said the idea to sell his first name "just came" to her while thinking of ways out of her financial funk.

Bidding in Drummond's four previous auction attempts totaled $41,610.99, including $26,100 during a fourth try that was shut down by eBay on Aug. 17 because it solicited donations.

Reached by phone by, Cohen, 18, claimed the Morning Jungle Internet talk radio show was "never the highest bidder" and only won the auction because "five or six" higher bidders dropped out.

"We had been doing some publicity for her and we obviously wanted to make her more money," Cohen said. "We had no intention of winning the auction."

Cohen said Drummond told listeners of the morning radio show about her auction as recently as last week in an effort to promote the sale.

"I know some of our listeners placed bids," he said. "We gave her the chance on an open forum … We really did have the best of intentions in helping her."

But Cohen said Morning Jungle could not make a "huge payment" of $6,800 and said the Internet talk show did not endorse her decision to hawk the name of her seventh child.

"What's she doing is a last resort," he said. "It's good radio content."

Cohen said he contacted Drummond directly late Tuesday and arranged to vacate the winning bid. Drummond confirmed that arrangement, but it remained unclear if eBay would get involved in the situation.

"This happens all the time on eBay," Cohen said.

Brad Cameron, host of the Indiana-based Internet talk radio show, told that Cohen acted on his own and used his own eBay account when placing the bid. His actions were not endorsed by the show, Cameron said.

Cameron said Cohen is no longer working for the show.

According to company policies, any highest bidder on eBay must be purchase the item bidden on.

"Bidding is a lot of fun, but remember that each bid you make is a binding contract to buy the item if you win," the policy reads. " … Not paying for an item after you have agreed to buy it has some negative consequences, which are explained in our unpaid item policy."

Several calls to eBay seeking comment on Tuesday were not returned.

Drummond, meanwhile, said the quest to name her unborn son via eBay is over. She will not post a sixth auction.

"I just need some time to get over my disappointment," she wrote in an e-mail. "I'm just a little emotional right now."