Anthrax Found in Pentagon Post Office and at New York City Hall

The anthrax-by-mail scare reached the Pentagon after two postal boxes at a U.S. Post Office inside the sprawling military complex tested positive for the deadly bacteria Monday.

One of the boxes was rented by an unidentified Navy member and the other was not in use.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention took samples from the post office at the Pentagon Tuesday, and the test results were returned Saturday. Two of 17 samples taken tested positive, the Pentagon said.

The office was decontaminated Sunday and "retesting results were all negative," said a statement issued at the Pentagon.

Pentagon spokesman Glen Flood said he had no information about the Navy service member who had rented the box, or about the anthrax found during the testing.

The Navy has been contacted "with the individual's name and box number," the statement said.

The Post Office is located in a far corner of the commercial concourse of the Pentagon, which contains a bank, several shops and food kiosks that serve the thousands of workers in the building.

It is separate from the Defense Department's own mailroom, which has been tested twice with negative results, the statement said.

Meanwhile, in New York, a videotape that NBC sent as a courtesy to Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's office at City Hall was found to be contaminated with small traces of anthrax.

Giuliani said "there's no reason to be concerned" about traces of anthrax found on a package containing the videotape sent to his office from the office of NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw. The tape contained footage of a White House briefing Sept. 18 in which a Giuliani aide was mentioned.

The mayor said there was no evidence that anyone at City Hall was infected from the package, handled by four or five people. Technicians conducted environmental tests Sunday.

City health officials said the tape was associated with an anthrax-laced letter sent to NBC on Sept. 18 from Trenton, N.J. The tape was sent to a lab for tests on Oct. 23; the results came back Saturday.

"We feel pretty confident that it was cross-contaminated," said city Health Department spokeswoman Sandra Mulling. "This is not a new contamination."

Back in Washington, workers were preparing to fumigate a Senate office building to kill any lingering anthrax spores. And trace amounts of anthrax also were found in the mailroom of the Washington Veterans Affairs Medical Center, based on tests completed Saturday by the CDC.

On Capitol Hill, workers prepared to sterilize the anthrax-contaminated Hart Senate Office Building with chlorine dioxide gas, but the Longworth House Office Building was reopening Monday for the first time since Oct. 17.

Hart building is where anthrax hot spots were found on four floors after a letter was opened in the office of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D.

Fumigating the nine-story building with chlorine dioxide gas would kill any lingering anthrax spores — along with rats, mice and cockroaches — without harming papers, files and artwork, officials said.

Capitol Police Lt. Dan Nichols said all portions of the building will be open except for three sealed-off rooms where anthrax has been found.

Reopening of Longworth leaves only the Hart building closed among major congressional facilities; a small building housing support personnel also is shut.

Trace amounts of anthrax also were found in the mail room of the Washington Veterans Affairs Medical Center, based on tests completed Saturday by the CDC.

VA spokesman Phil Budahn said five mail room employees have been on antibiotics since Oct. 25 as a precaution. He said the hospital's 250 patients would be monitored, but it was thought unlikely that anthrax could have spread beyond the mail room, which closed Wednesday for cleaning.

At the CDC, several dozen health care workers have been vaccinated against smallpox. That precaution will protect medical personnel who would be the first to respond to any outbreak of the highly contagious disease.

While the smallpox vaccinations at CDC move ahead, there are no plans to inoculate all Americans, said Dr. Jeffrey Koplan, director of the Atlanta-based center.

Federal health officials have said four drug companies are studying ways to manufacture new smallpox vaccine and build up the nation's stockpile to about 300 million doses, enough for every American.

In New York, health investigators renewed their search for clues to explain how a woman with no postal connection was fatally infected with inhaled anthrax.

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the source of the spores that caused the death last week of Kathy T. Nguyen from inhaled anthrax was unknown.

Nguyen died a few days after being admitted to a New York hospital. She was not able to be interviewed and investigators have not been able to link her infection to contact with mail.

Early anthrax tests at her Bronx apartment and at the hospital where she worked were negative. CDC investigators are widening the effort to include other places where she might have come into contact with the spores.

"Every possible lead is being followed," said CDC director Dr. Jeffrey Koplan. He said the investigation has been difficult because Nguyen lived alone.

Fauci said the lack of a known postal connection suggests Nguyen may have gotten the disease in a different way. He said it is possible hers is a "sentinel case in a new and evolving pattern."

But if that were true, there should have been similar cases by now, Fauci said on CBS' Face the Nation. Investigators are checking her contacts to find if there are other cases, but none has been found.

Nguyen was remembered as a pious and well-liked neighbor on Monday at a funeral in the South Bronx neighborhood where she lived for two decades.

"She was just a well-loved individual," the Rev. Carlos Rodriguez said of Nguyen, an employee of the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital.

Black ribbons marked with Nguyen's name were handed out before the Mass at St. John Chrysostom Roman Catholic Church.

"The people of her building took care to make sure that there was a proper burial," Rodriguez said. "We couldn't find any family members to claim her, but this is her family."

Since the anthrax crisis began last month, 10 Americans have developed inhaled anthrax, the most serious form of the disease; Nguyen was the fourth to die.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.