Anne Hathaway's Ex Can't Handle Prison

It seems Anne Hathaway's jailed ex-boyfriend, Raffaello Follieri, can't hack it behind bars.

Flora Edwards, the convicted con man's attorney, sent a letter on his behalf to a judge claiming that showers at Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center are filled with excrement, food appears to be spoiled and the entire facility has an intolerable stench, the New York Post reported.

"Clearly, no one should be subjected to these conditions. However, in Mr. Follieri's case, the unsanitary environment appears to have had a detrimental effect on his health," Edwards wrote to the judge.

Follieri, 30, who was transferred to the Brooklyn jail on Oct. 27, may still be sleeping in the same city as his former flame, but it's far different than the $37,500-a-month apartment in Manhattan's Trump Tower. Follieri now bunks with 120 other inmates in a windowless dorm room.

Follieri — who was sentenced to more than 4 years in prison for cheating investors out of millions of dollars by claiming he had Vatican connections that enabled him to buy discounted Roman Catholic Church property — has also been running a fever for the past weeks.

"Although I am not a doctor, I have seen him regularly and he feels warm to the touch and his eyes are glassy," Edwards wrote, according to the Post.

Click here to read more on this story from the New York Post.