An Update on Police Jobs That Were Supposedly Saved by Stimulus Package

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Century Mark

One hundred days ago President Obama signed his $787 billion stimulus package into law. On February 17 in Denver, Colorado he said the plan, "includes aid to state and local governments to prevent layoffs of firefighters or police recruits — recruits like the ones in Columbus, Ohio, who were told that instead of being sworn in as officers, they would be let go."

On March 6, the president traveled to Columbus, Ohio to watch the recruits being sworn in as officers. He said jobs, "all across Ohio will now be saved because of this recovery plan."

But it appears he spoke too soon. The Columbus Dispatch reports if voters turn down a proposed income tax hike in August, nearly 300 police officers would lose their jobs. The 25 new officers who shook the president's hand would be among the first to go.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs acknowledged the Columbus situation during today's briefing, admitting the recovery plan is temporary.

Cool Colors

Energy Secretary Steven Chu says all the world's roofs should be painted white in order to slow down global warming. The Guardian reports Chu told a climate symposium in London: "Make people paint their roofs white. I think white is pretty. If all vehicles used cool colors then they could cut down the air conditioning and we would have a great reduction in energy."

He said lighter-colored roofs, cars, and roads would deflect the sun's rays and partially offset global warming effects. But Chu admitted, "There is not one single policy that will save us."

Dixie Dispute

A South Florida branch of the NAACP is debating whether to boycott the Miami NASCAR race in November. The group wants the Confederate flag banned.

But NASCAR says it already prohibits Confederate flag displays on racing cars, uniforms, licensed merchandise and advertisements. Fans are not allowed to bring large flags of any kind. But the president of the track says he cannot tell people not to bring in miniature flags or wear clothing featuring the Confederate flag.

And the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union tells that wearing a shirt with a Confederate flag on it to the race, or any public event, is protected speech. Despite all of that, the NAACP branch is considering the boycott.

Not Letting Up

And four months into President Obama's term, the controversy surrounding his original birth certificate continues to dog his administration.

The Obama campaign, you'll remember, posted a copy of what it said was the document on its Web site to try to dispel rumors that he is not an American citizen. But, an online petition calling for the release of what it describes as the president's complete birth certificate with the hospital name has almost 400,000 signatures.

Today the president's press secretary was incredulous that the issue just won't go away. In a White House briefing he said: “This question, in many ways, continues to astound me. The state of Hawaii provided a copy, with a seal, of the president's birth… I certainly hope, by the fourth year of our administration, that we'll have dealt with this burgeoning birth controversy.”

— FOX News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.