Americans No Longer Swallowing Global Warming Dogma

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Not Buying It?

Global warming is becoming a much tougher sell. A new Pew Research poll says the percentage of people surveyed, who believe climate change is a very serious problem, has dropped from 44 percent last year to 35 percent.

Only 57 percent believe there is solid evidence of rising temperatures. That's down 14 percent. There is a similar drop in those who say global warming is man-made. Just 36 percent believe it, down from 47 percent.

One expert at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, Daniel Weiss, tells the Wall Street Journal the findings were caused by: "Right-wing media personalities... distorting science while the mainstream media remains trapped in its he-said, she-said narrative."

Oklahoma Republican Senator and global warming skeptic James Inhofe says the poll reflects concerns over proposed climate change legislation: "The more Americans learn about cap-and-trade — the more they oppose cap-and-trade."

Save the Planet

A new book states that if you want to save the planet, it's time to swap that pet cat or dog for a rabbit or a chicken.

New Zealand professors Robert and Brenda Vale write in their new book, "Time to Eat the Dog: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living," that keeping a medium-sized dog has the same ecological impact as driving a Toyota Land Cruiser more than 6,000 miles/year. They say a cat causes the same environmental impact as driving a Volkswagen.

The couple assessed the carbon footprint created by popular pets, taking into account pet food ingredients and living space.

The pair does not actually advocate eating domestic animals but Brenda Vale says: "If we have edible pets like chickens for their eggs and meat and rabbits and pigs, we will be compensating for the impact of other things in our environment."

Crunching the Numbers

For those of you keeping track at home, President Obama's sit-down with NBC Wednesday night means he has now given 12 interviews to that network since taking office.

The president has been on CBS News 11 times over the same period and nine times on ABC. He has also given seven interviews to CNN. But despite multiple requests, President Obama has been on Fox News just twice since January. "Special Report" has resubmitted its standing request and we have yet to hear back.

The president has given a total of 41 interviews to major networks over the first nine months of his presidency. Fox News research estimates his predecessor, George W. Bush, gave six television interviews over the same period.

Fox News Channel's Zachary Kenworthy contributed to this report.