American Axis of Evil

The American axis of evil. That is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo."

According to some excellent reporting by, a rather frightening meeting took place here in New York City two nights ago. Billionaire far-left zealot George Soros had a dinner in his Manhattan home that included Clinton confidante Paul Begala and the vicious character assassin David Brock, who runs Media Matters. Apparently, these three are starting an organization called Progressive Media USA.

Now as we reported last week, a number of organizations are set up to attack John McCain, including this new Progressive Media deal. As much as $350 million could be spent vilifying McCain. I believe this is evil.

There are two ironies here. First, the Swift Boat deal back in 2004 where some conservatives hammered John Kerry is the model for the Soros smear machine. And second, if not for the McCain-Feingold law, which led to the creation of these vile MoveOn type organizations, McCain might not have to deal with this garbage.

Memo to everybody: Be careful what you wish for.

As I wrote extensively in my book "Culture Warrior," George Soros wants to buy America, and he is close. Years ago, Soros helped create MoveOn, and now it is a major fundraiser for Barack Obama.

Hired character assassin Brock makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Who pays his salary? We'll look at this flow chart.

Soros distributed big money to a variety of far-left outfits. And then the cash, some of it anyway, flows into Brock's organization Media Matters. Things are set up this way so Soros can say he does not directly fund the vicious media site.

Same thing with the new Progressive Media USA outfit. Because it's a 501(c)(4) for non-profit group, donors can be kept secret. Thus, Soros can spend as much cash as he wants to smear McCain, and nobody will know about it.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is ultra dangerous. Most Americans have no idea who Soros or Brock are. They will only know what they see on TV, smear stuff against McCain. And the pipeline extends directly to NBC News, which will publicize every piece of slime Brock can create. Only one word describes this: despicable.

Barack Obama and John McCain have both said they don't want a dirty campaign, but they can do nothing to stop Soros. He has the power here. It'd be nice if Senators Obama and McCain denounce Soros and Brock, but I'm not counting on that.

Also, Politico and others are reporting that Obama has an association with two former far-left radicals, William Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn. They are members of the Weather Underground, a violent 1960s protest group. They now teach college in Chicago, and apparently the senator has socialized with them.

So all in all, the radical left is playing a role in the next presidential election. And we will keep a close eye on this situation for you.

And that's "The Memo."

Pinheads & Patriots

ABC News anchor Bob Woodruff, who nearly died after being wounded by a bomb in Iraq, will receive the Daniel Pearl Award for Courage and Integrity in Journalism. Of course, Mr. Woodruff richly deserves this honor, being an honest reporter and a very brave guy as well. Mr. Woodruff is a patriot.

The exact opposite now presents itself. You may remember nutty-left radio person Randi Rhodes saying this.



Hillary is a big (EXPLETIVES DELETED), too.


Well, the bankrupt Air America Radio network has let Rhodes go, and that's not easy to get sacked with that outfit, believe me. Rhodes is way beyond a pinhead, but that label is all we have for you tonight.

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