'Aliens of the Deep' Looks at Deep Sea in 3-D

He was king of the world after "Titanic," but now director James Cameron (search) is, you might say, sinking to new lows.

Cameron is going down with the ship again, as his passion for underwater exploration is brought to the giant 3-D IMAX (search) screen in his second high-tech, deep-sea documentary, "Aliens of the Deep" (search).

"For me, being on a deep-ocean expedition, having that camaraderie, that teamwork, being able to do these deep dives and see these wondrous things that most people only dream about, that's pretty darn exciting," Cameron, who traveled about 2 miles deep with a group of scientists, told FOX News.

"It's really the most amazing place in the world. You know, that's what we found. I mean the scientists have known this. But the whole idea of the film is to share it with everybody. In 3-D," he told FOX in another interview.

These fantastic creatures look like alien life forms, and the comparison may not be so far-fetched.

"We call it 'Aliens of the Deep' because it's almost like a trip to another planet," he said. "That's what it feels like to me. I'm not a scientist. And I see these animals, I can't believe they exist. I was so astounded, I said I have to make a film about this. These are vent shrimp that live around these hot hydrothermal vents. Some of these things are much more beautiful in 3-D. You can see the fins on its head, you can see we got attacked by a giant squid."

The film also points to the potential still left in outer-space exploration.

"What the film shows you is the connection between what scientists think about the life in the deep oceans where they live without sunlight, a completely different ecosystem than we do. And how that might be a clue to what we might find, let's say, underneath Mars, below the surface or on the moons of Jupiter, under the ice. Places like that. If we're going to find life in our solar system, it may resemble these bizarre animals," he told FOX News.

An Associated Press movie critic says the film has a little too much commentary, but calls it "fascinating" and wishes it were longer than its 47 minutes.

"The results are frequently dazzling and sometimes even amusing, especially when creatures jump out at you from the screen. Chunks of coral jut toward your face, and a jagged monstrosity that one researcher describes as "the ugliest fish in the world" seems to swim right into your lap. And it has feet!" she wrote.

And not to worry, Cameron fans — a big-screen sci-fi blockbuster is in the planning stages, utilizing some of the 3-D equipment used in this film.

FOX News' Mike Waco, William LaJeunesse and Gregg Jarrett contributed to this report.