Alec Baldwin, Basinger in Custody Dispute

Actors Alec Baldwin (search) and ex-wife Kim Basinger (search) traded personal jabs through their attorneys Monday, with each claiming amid a custody dispute that the other has serious emotional problems.

In court papers, Baldwin claimed Basinger "has a pathological need" to turn their daughter against him, and he is asking for a psychological evaluation of the actress.

Baldwin lawyer Vicki Greene argued in a court hearing Monday that Basinger had tainted 10-year-old Ireland's view of her father.

Basinger's attorney, Neal Hersh, dismissed the claim and said Baldwin was the problem.

"We believe that Mr. Baldwin has severe emotional problems," Hersh said. "Mr. Baldwin's lawyers attempted to cast terrible aspersions toward Kim rather than focusing on the main issue, which is his daughter."

Baldwin was not at the hearing, which discussed his telephone time with his daughter and whether Baldwin should get an extra weekend with her when a holiday is interrupted by a court-ordered custody hearing.

Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner Maren Nelson said she found no reason to alter the custody agreement. She did not rule on the psychological evaluation request.

The acting duo married Aug. 19, 1993. They separated in 2000 and divorced in 2002.

Basinger declined to comment outside the courtroom. She and Baldwin are scheduled to return to court Dec. 13.