Alabama Teens Charged in Case of Brutally Punching Teacher, Taping Attack

Two Alabama teens have been charged with second-degree assault after one of them taped the other brutally attacking a 61-year-old schoolteacher, according to a local news report.

Randolph Parker, 16, reportedly punched teacher Melinda Rudisill while 17-year-old Dominick Harris taped the incident from his cell phone, reported WKRG News in Alabama.

A school surveillance tape shows Parker wearing a red headband, waiting in a hallway for about eight minutes for Rudisill to walk out of the classroom before he threw a punch that took her to the ground. Rudisill was taken to a hospital where she received 20 stitches.

Click here to read the WKRG story and view the surveillance video.

Investigators say Parker's red headband most likely indicates he is tied to a gang in the area.

Captain J.E. Dove of the Mobile Police Department testified at the students' court hearing and showed pictures of a five-point star gang symbol spray painted outside of Rudisill’s home. Investigators believe this was painted in a bragging attempt of the incident, WKRG reported.

"He's advertising he's got juice in the gang," Dove said. "In my expert opinion he's bragging cause he did this to a teacher."

Parker's bond is set at $250,000, while bond for Harris is $100,000. The teens face up to 10 years in prison if they are convicted.