Al Qaeda Posts Warning

And now the most captivating two minutes in television, the latest from the wartime grapevine:

Al Qaeda Posts Warning

A message posted on an Al Qaeda (search)-linked Web site is urging all Muslims to leave Washington D.C., New York City, and Los Angeles immediately. The message tells the -- "oppressive rulers of America" to expect a -- "strike of Allah's believing soldiers," and says American leaders are writing -- "the end of America by their own hands."

The message, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (search), also insists the end to American rule in Iraq and Afghanistan is -- "not far away," adding that American troops are -- "frustrated and defeated" by casualties.

Presidential Plan?

Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark (search) is renewing his charge that soon after the 9/11 atrocities, the Bush administration considered going after as many as seven governments in the Middle East and Africa.

Clark says the preliminary plan -- to overturn the governments in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan -- was outlined in a Pentagon memo. Though Clark, according to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, admits he has never actually seen the memo, he insists -- "You only have to listen to the gossip around Washington and to hear what the neoconservatives are saying and you will get the flavor of this."

Suzanne on Security

Days after one Capitol building was evacuated for what turned out to be part of a Halloween costume, a woman was able to slip into the connecting Longworth office building and spent the weekend in a congressman's office ... eating out of his staff's refrigerator and sitting on a conference table.

After being discovered by an aide to California Republican Devin Nunes (search), 41-year-old Suzanne Jensen of Virginia insisted she was on security duty in Nunes' office. But, according to Roll Call, when the real Capitol security arrived, Jensen was arrested and deemed to possibly have a mental disorder.

New York Times Correction

We missed it last night, but The New York Times did issue a correction after describing the $13 billion in international aid for Iraq, pledged at last month's conference in Madrid, as -- "for reconstruction of water, power, health care and other systems devastated by the American invasion six months ago."

The paper, in its correction, said its story -- "referred incorrectly to the factors that depleted Iraq's ... systems," concluding that -- "the American invasion was not the sole cause of the devastation." The paper blamed the problem on an -- "editing error."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report