Against All Odds

Thursday, November 22 at 1pm ET
Hosted by E.D. Donahey

A very special hour celebrating the enduring strength of the American spirit, against all odds, on Thanksgiving Day.

After an unprecedented terror attack on the United States on September 11, it looked like the story of 2001 would be a grim tale of tragedy and devastation. But the depth of the American character has come sharply into view since that fateful day. And out of sorrow and pain...stories of strength and resilience have emerged...against all odds.

In our special one hour broadcast, we'll look at some of the remarkable transformations that have occurred across our country following the terror attacks. Among the developments that have surprised and cheered us and left us with a lot to be thankful for:

• Air marshals making the skies much safer for travel
• The latest technology allowing cops to nab terrorists before they can strike
• Young Americans newly injected with a dose of patriotism, charged up and ready to serve their country
• Many of us filled with a renewed sense of faith in God at houses of worship across the nation

And all of it happened against all odds.

Plus, although our lives changed forever in 2001, there are other triumphs to celebrate that have made an impact on all of us, including medical breakthroughs in the fight against heart disease, bioterrorism and alcoholism; the return of a sports legend to the basketball court; a brutal dictator finally brought to justice and even a vastly improved air bag that's cut the number of deaths from car crashes by ninety percent!

We hope you'll join us for Against All Odds, on Thanksgiving Day, November 22 at 1pm ET.