A Very Humbling Experience...

Dear Daily Doocy Readers,

Midweek and I have to say, I’ve been walking around with a smile for a week. But I’m not the only one. My book, "The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook" (now in the New York Times Top 10!) is making America laugh! Just look at this note I got from a suddenly noisy CPA from Florida:


I cracked open your book at a (shockingly!) boring continuing education class for CPAs last week (I am a CPA turned executive recruiter). All I have to say is: Your book is too funny!
While sitting in my seat pretending to seem engrossed in the materials provided at the seminar, I actually had to close the book at page 27. I was laughing so hard to myself that my eyes were tearing (ie: honeymoon leper colony). Trust me, the laughter did not fit the discussion about IRS fraudsters! I love the book and I finished it this week. I was able to advertise your book just by reading it!

—Erika Grace

You have no idea how much this means to me to have our faithful FOX News viewers and others buy a book I’ve worked on for twenty years. It had been my hope to do a book that people would enjoy, and now I know I’ve done that. It is a very humbling experience.

Thanks to you, the "Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook" is the number one humor book in America! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Because I love to share laughs with our audience each day on the show, please allow me to give you a bit of advice on getting the book yourself. It is available wherever books are sold, www.amazon.com and www.bn.com.

But if you’re like one of the thousands I’ve met over the last two weeks during my "Mr. Happy" book tour and you want an autographed edition, the best way is to go to www.happyhandbook.com, where if you buy two copies they’ll donate a free copy to a military family. American military families do so much for all of us, the least we can do is bring them a little happiness!

Thanks again for making my dream come true!

See you in the morning on FOX & Friends!

Steve Doocy