A False Sign in Palestine?

And now the most engaging two minutes in television, the latest from the wartime grapevine:

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A False Sign in Palestine?

The Palestinian Authority's (search) fight against Palestinian extremist groups has literally been staged, according to a report by the Israeli news agency Arutz Sheva. The report cites classified documents indicating that the Palestinian Authority has set up terrorist attacks... and then filmed as Palestinian forces thwarted them. The report says the Palestinian Authority uses the footage to demonstrate its adherence to President Bush's Roadmap to Peace (search) and to pressure Israel (search) into making more concessions.

High on Howard

A new poll out today shows that for the first time, presidential candidate and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean (search) is leading Massachusetts senator John Kerry (search) in the New Hampshire democratic primary polls. According to the American Research Group poll, 28 percent of Democrats now say they would vote for Dean, compared with 21 percent who say that about Kerry. Last month, Kerry led the pack with 25 percent, followed by Dean at 19 percent. Dean's recent 9-point swing comes after several weeks of pro-Dean television ads throughout New Hampshire.

Air ‘Conditions’

The United States Postal Service (search) has refused to send more than 300 air conditioners to troops sweltering under the Iraqi sun. Earlier this month Delaware resident Frankie Mayo…whose son is stationed in Iraq…bought and sent 425 air conditioners to Iraq to help U.S. soldiers sleep and stave off heatstroke. But unlike last time, the postal service now says it won't send the units because they contain Freon (search), a restricted gas. The Washington Times, however, says there is not enough Freon in the units to violate restrictions.

Who Guides The President?

The most recent issue of GQ magazine, on shelves today, is already receiving a lot of attention for an essay on President Bush's (search) faith called, ‘George W's Personal Jesus.’ This is the accompanying illustration, and the title page begins by saying President Bush, ‘uses his religion as a political tool better than any president in history. Christ is his number one adviser. And yet we don't really know what he believes. It's all part of the plan.’

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report