A Call to Boycott Aruba

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," November 8, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: A money threat from the governor of Alabama. Natalee Holloway's mother joined Governor Bob Riley earlier today as he urged Americans to stay away from Aruba until there is progress in Natalee's case.

Beth Holloway Twitty joins us live from Los Angeles, welcome Beth.


VAN SUSTEREN: Beth, sort something out for me. I'm under the belief that the reason that we've gotten to this point is because there's been a lack of information to satisfy you coming from the prosecution team to you.

When you were in Aruba, I remember that one night I said to you just call her up and see if the prosecutor will have lunch with you. Were you able to see the prosecutor that trip?

TWITTY: Absolutely not, Greta, and not only did she refuse to meet with me, she put it in writing that she didn't have time in her agenda to meet with me.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, the idea of the boycott and Governor Riley how did this come about?

TWITTY: You know, Greta, I was thinking about that. Aruba really has made us evolve to this position because, you know, what Aruba and The Hague have done to us is they've been dishonest from the beginning. If they would just have been forthcoming from the beginning to lead us to the proper authorities we would never be in this position right now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Can you identify one particular person, if we could sort of chisel away and find out who it is that we need to get to, to get information, so that we can sort of break this log jam who is that person?

TWITTY: Well, I think that's the $64 question and now we've got Aruba playing the blame game with The Hague. I mean I thought only the suspects were doing the blame game. It looks like Aruba and The Hague now are playing the blame game, Greta. It's hard to tell.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right and just so that the viewers, I understand what you're talking about, you got a letter in which it explained what the Arubans said to you that The Hague has been calling the shots, is that right, in the investigation?

TWITTY: Yes, they're saying, in the letter it states that the Aruban government has no authority to intervene in the investigation. Now then why have we been running around on the island submitting written and verbal requests for help from the governor, from the minister of justice, the prime minister? I mean the list is endless, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is there, I mean like where is most of your frustration? Is it directed at a particular person? I mean I know that fundamentally that you want information about your daughter. Every parent wants that. But is there someone who you think is standing in the way more than another?

TWITTY: I don't think it's someone. I think it's something. I think it's the dishonesty that has been coming out of that island since May 31st and all we have wanted for them to be as honest with us and be forthcoming and tell us and lead us in the proper direction. That's all we've asked. That's all we've asked of them.

VAN SUSTEREN: Does some of the dishonesty include, for instance let me ask you this, I know that you gave a statement back in June and then when you took at look at the statement there were things that weren't in that statement is that right?

TWITTY: Oh, absolutely, Greta, absolutely.

VAN SUSTEREN: What has the FBI told you in terms of whether they think there's been any level of cooperation with the Aruban authorities?

TWITTY: Well, you know, what they've told me but what I've seen and experienced when I have had meetings with them is I've seen frustration in them, Greta. I've seen it numerous times. And, you know, of course they're not going to come out and be as verbal as the family is about the lack of involvement they've been able to play in Natalee's case.

But, you know Greta, I've sat in meeting after meeting after meeting. I lived in Aruba for almost four months. I met with the FBI on a regular basis. I saw the frustration that they had in getting information.

And, you know, we all knew, we all knew that there were issues with the interrogations, with how evidence was collected. I mean, Greta, I can give you an example of when I was giving blood for a DNA sample at a hospital there when some of the Aruban officials that were collecting my blood asked the FBI that was standing with me if they wanted to scrape some of my blood off the floor for their sample. That's just a sample of what we've experienced and witnessed in this investigation.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, here's a real telltale sign. About two and a half weeks ago some tapes were sent to The Hague that were tapes of a conversation with Deepak Kalpoe to see if they were edited so they could be professionally scrutinized. It doesn't take long to do that. Have you gotten the results back from Holland?

TWITTY: No, have not heard a word about that and was so hoping when I flew into Aruba last week to meet with Karin Janssen about that particular issue.

VAN SUSTEREN: But does your lawyer, explain to me like that to me, I mean therein lies some of my frustrations. I mean if I were running this investigation I would want to keep you happy and do this very efficiently and do whatever I could for you.

One of the things I wouldn't do is drag my feet with a bunch of tapes. I mean does your lawyer call up and say what's the story on these tapes? Are they authentic? Have they been edited? Are they going to satisfy you? Has your lawyer done that at least?

TWITTY: I know that she has probably had the same frustration level that I've had in dealing with Karin Janssen and, you know, as far as where we are with these tapes or how many times she's asked I don't know but I do know she has been frustrated with getting information from her and getting Karin Janssen to respond to me also.

VAN SUSTEREN: How about that bone that was found did you ever get a test? Have you ever been told whether that bone is human or not human?

TWITTY: No, Greta, and there have been several bones that have been found on the island since, oh gosh, I guess since August and none of the individuals have ever given us any definitive information on whose those were.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Beth, stay with us. We're going to take a quick break. We'll have much more in a moment.

Coming up, Aruban investigators say they want to conduct new interviews with witnesses in the Natalee Holloway case. Do they have a new lead?

And later, this woman disappeared on Halloween and she's not been seen since. A key clue led police to the home of an ex-con who was falsely imprisoned for nearly two decades, the bizarre details coming up.


VAN SUSTEREN: Natalee Holloway was on vacation in Aruba with her high school classmates when she vanished on May 30th. Tonight, Aruban investigators say they want to re-interview her classmates about her mysterious disappearance.

Joining us again live in Los Angeles is Natalee's mother Beth Holloway Twitty. Beth, before I get to Natalee's friends I want to ask you a question. The letter that was sent and signed by Natalee's father, by you and the step parents does that letter, I mean let me back up. Does Natalee's father have a line of communication with the prosecutor and the investigators that you don't have or is he now shut out as well?

TWITTY: He did have a little bit more communication with them than I did but I do not believe that that line is still open but I'm just not positive about that, Greta. I don't think so.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. In terms of Dompig who is the deputy, the chief deputy or deputy chief of police says that he wants to interview Natalee's friends who were with her on the trip. Do you know if that is going to happen or whether that has happened?

TWITTY: I don't know but the one thing that we have asked him to do is to utilize the proper channels. The proper chain of command is to contact the FBI in order to make this happen.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, is the FBI willing to participate in this?

TWITTY: Oh, yes. They have been willing, absolutely. I also want to make it perfectly clear that the Aruban officials have all of the statements from the students. They had those early on. They have had those all along.

VAN SUSTEREN: Actually they have now so bungled this, I guess for lack of better words, they want to go back and start all over and they want to talk to them again. Are the students, I mean if that will advance the investigation, are the students themselves also willing to talk to the Aruban authorities?

TWITTY: Yes, as long as the FBI is present, absolutely.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. And as far as you know they have not yet contacted the FBI to complete this cycle?

TWITTY: I would seriously doubt that they have.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Governor Riley said today that he's going to ask other governors to participate and call for a boycott. Do you know whether or not he has actually begun that process?

TWITTY: I don't know if he has or not, Greta, and, you know, what the family and I are thinking in this — how we've evolved to this position is, is that until the lack of law enforcement on the island of Aruba can be evaluated and we can have resolution in Natalee's case, tourists are not safe on the island, yet alone for the tourists, the citizens are not safe on the island of Aruba with their lack of law enforcement.

VAN SUSTEREN: We only have 20 seconds left. Do you have any plans to go back Beth?

TWITTY: Well, what I would like to see is maybe they need to come to the U.S. and visit Governor Riley and I here.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, so I guess that's a no answer at least — is that an I don't know is I guess it's best?

TWITTY: Well, I think that it proved that there was no point to me flying into Aruba because everyone refused to meet with me, Deputy Dompig, Karin Janssen and that is specifically why I went. And also to meet the searchers there and finish up some searches and, you know, nothing was able to happen, so maybe they need to make a move to the U.S. now.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Beth, thank you very much.

TWITTY: Thank you.

Watch "On the Record" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET

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