WWE star shares photo of nasty gash that needed 18 stitches

The Social Outcasts' Heath Slater faced Titus O'Neil during a WWE live event in Bangor, Maine, Saturday night, but the match had to be stopped when Slater was cut "down to the bone" above his right eye. Slater needed 18 stitches to close the wound, and shared a relatively gross photo of the injury on Twitter.

The injury shouldn't keep Slater out of the upcoming WWE Draft on Tuesday.

Via WWE.com:

Heath Slater was injured Saturday night when a gash developed over his right eye during a match wtih Titus O'Neil at a WWE Live Event in Bangor, Maine. The match was stopped and O'Neil was declared the winner.

WWE ringside physician Dr. Stephen Daquino was on-site and relayed the following to WWE.com:

"Heath has a six centimeter laceration above his right eye. It was quite open, right down to the bone. He got 18 sutures and hopefully that will close it up."